If you decide you want to rewrite an established history that many fans hold dear then you had best expecting be some scrutiny.
There is nothing esle story wise to carry the brand outside of these bios so they are gonna ge picked apart and it's already clear that things are getting very coveluted fast. There are contradictions and holes in the story already.
He argues that they have a big picture and thus it gives him a 'ha wait until they see' attitude. But we are not seeing the full story are we? We are getting it it parts. So that's another oversight.
Just look at how other fans of other properties react to things. Look at how nuts Transformers or Star Wars fans get.
He has lined himself up a the face of the brand.
TG has to have expected this.
"And seriously, we flesh out details and we get guff for "making things up", we keep it to existing info and guff is "not enough new info".
Anyone else seeing a trend here?"
That is not how you speak to fans in my opinion.
And he's right!!!
TG and Mattel can't win with MOTU fans, there's too much polarization within the franchise's fandom...
some people will eventually be alienated!
Fortunately for Mattel, most MOTU fans DON'T nit-pick every single sentence from the Bios...
Now, I understand that some people are really passionate about MOTU, that's cool. But to get all worked-up because of fans assumptions and hyperbolic reactions, well, I don't get it...
When we were kids, we didn't care about the inconsistencies between the cartoon, the mini-comics or the comics... and if we did, it didn't overshadow the enjoyment of the overall franchise, right?
But reading some fans comments, that are constantly upset about every statement by TG or the 4H, makes you wonder if they are really enjoying MOTUC or just waiting for a reason to _____ about it...
I mean, Mattel has done plenty to piss-off ALL fans, mostly due to the crappy system to order the figures, and I was pissed about the whole NO extra 200x heads, but imagine, if people get SO upset about a few lines, I can't imagine the reaction to the new movie. Honestly, they are doing a fine job IMO, but alas, I really don't care about the BIOS that much for starters. I'm more worried about kick-ass figures than Buzz-Off's real name.
Besides, usually most big companies don't have any contact with real fans, that has changed over the years... so for us to even have a channel to be in contact with the brains behind MOTUC is just a great opportunity. If fans keep nagging TG and the 4H with their ridiculous statements, the only thing that would happen is they will close the door to communication. Yes it might be partially Mattel's fault, but in reality the only ones who will be affected by that are the fans, not Mattel, not TG and not the 4HM.
All I'm saying is this hobby is for fun, if people are mostly upset and not having fun, then there's something wrong, don't you think?
Anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
