[ELVIS1976 | custom work] • 1/1 PROTON PACK

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Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Lookin' good, Seb. Was kind of partial to your other one, but I think some lucky collector snagged that a while back. How did you do the coat? Is it an American flag sewn right onto it?
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Lookin' good, Seb. Was kind of partial to your other one, but I think some lucky collector snagged that a while back. How did you do the coat? Is it an American flag sewn right onto it?

WHat do you mean by partial with the onther one?
WIth the modern on ei made you mean?

The jacket is from a Dragon Panzer figure.
I bleached the jacket and dye it in blue.
I sewn some red satin band to a white shirt i had lying and then cut the whole thing directly to the jacket.
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

WOW!!!! That Jason sculpt is awesome. Is there a mask with that one?
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

This is the other helmet for WWII CAP.
Still working on it but the helmet is finished.


Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Like the ash effect on the 2 face and am digging mr feeze ( teaser pic in back of cap america shot)
Wish I had the time ,money and skill to do some of these figures but you are defiantely the quickest and inspiring basher out there for me right now.
Keep knocking em out;)
Re: ELVIS1976 custom work and kitbash

Your Captain America is truly amazing. I love it.

You should get group shots of all your Marvel figs and DC figs together once everything is finished.

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