Dude by Rainman

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It appears as though the hive has spoken. I might just have to pick up an unpainted head, this is just too amazing. I think boot25 already has his pm box full over these.
Well, sucks to be the rest of you. Because I'm gonna be first in line :hi5:
Hate to bust your bubble, but if you've never ordered from his site before you'll probably miss out. It's a little confusing to know which buttons to hit when you're frantically trying to buy before it's sold out in seconds, just ask some of the veterans.
getting this one is going to get really crazy, let´s hope he makes more than the usual 20...40 at least...
I am sincerely not looking forward to the pre-order.

You and me both buddy!

I am talking to Rainman about possibly making more than 20 fullsets but I understand he has reservations as he would not want to be left with surplus figures

On the positive my Narrator has all but sold now so I have gone from a head and clothes set to a fullset
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I'm feeling the anxiety already as well...But I will be there the second this thing drops, so if I don't get one it won't be for any reason within my control.
You and me both buddy!

I am talking to Rainman about possibly making more than 20 fullsets but I understand he has reservations as he would not want to be left with surplus figures

On the positive my Narrator has all but sold now so I have gone from a head and clothes set to a fullset

Then Rainman is totally out of the loop. He could sell 30-40 no problem. Just because something doesn't sell out in seconds doesn't mean it isn't going to be wildly successful. If he thinks he needs these to sell out that quickly then he needs to get off his high horse and take a wake up call. Selling 40 $700 figures in a couple of hours or days is still an amazing feat.

So knock some sense into him Teddy. Either that or convince him he doesn't need to make an exclusive item to full figures only.
Then Rainman is totally out of the loop. He could sell 30-40 no problem. Just because something doesn't sell out in seconds doesn't mean it isn't going to be wildly successful. If he thinks he needs these to sell out that quickly then he needs to get off his high horse and take a wake up call. Selling 40 $700 figures in a couple of hours or days is still an amazing feat.

So knock some sense into him Teddy. Either that or convince him he doesn't need to make an exclusive item to full figures only.

He is not out of the loop bud he is just protecting himself, I completely understand his reservations!

He would have a far greater outlay on 30 figures than of course 20 so like anybody he would not want to be left with surplus figures!

He certainly is not on any high horse. I have noticed over the course of time that people think Rainman is this high and mighty character that is driven by money. I can tell you now this is just not the case!

Rainman is a very sincere pleasant guy that throughly enjoys nothing more than bringing us a 1/6 figure like The Dude. He is getting excited off the back of our excitment! This is what drives him not the money! Having said that though he is still wary about putting the numbers up for valid reasons

We will just have to see what happens but I would back his decision because at the end of the day it is his investment so he has to make the call
We can pay a deposit in advance, maybe?

That was a serious thought I had but it is first come first served unfortunately

I have seen it time and time again and I am one of these people that are 100% dead on getting a figure for 95% of the time then at the last minute something may come up financially and then comes the drop out!

I would hate for Rainman to make 30 figures on hear say and me telling him he would sell them then get a butt load of drop outs for one reason or another

That would always be my concern
If he ends up with 'left over' full figures, he can just change them into full sets. He has nothing to lose really. And its not like he couldn't use those 'extra' bodies on the next full figure.