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Cheers guys. I think I'll buy a US version on ebay , maybe ask a few sellers if it has the slipcover with it and if I can't get an answer just cross my fingers. :D

Or get it from Amazon dealers New or Used. I think that might be a little safer. Just ask if the movie has the cardboard slipcover that goes over the Blu-Ray case. Some people are real ******* and think the slipcover is the actual cover that's inside the case.
As much as I wanted to love Monsters, i just sorta liked it. Great concept, but not enough alien action. Still worth a watch.
Or get it from Amazon dealers New or Used. I think that might be a little safer. Just ask if the movie has the cardboard slipcover that goes over the Blu-Ray case. Some people are real ******* and think the slipcover is the actual cover that's inside the case.

You know , after all these years I've never used Amazon. I need to definetely start with them , my friend is giving me a £15.00 voucher for them anyway so it's the perfect time.
Thanks again mate. :D
Of course, when my 63 inch 3D plasma set was pulled out of the delivery truck today standing on its side, I knew I was in trouble.


Now I have to wait another week before I can start watching all these movies.

Replacement got here today--delivered by another mattress company contracted by Amazon. Screen was cracked just as bad as the first. Now another week of waiting for attempt number three.
Replacement got here today--delivered by another mattress company contracted by Amazon. Screen was cracked just as bad as the first. Now another week of waiting for attempt number three.

I think I'd give up and ask for my money back. That must be so dissappointing. :(
Replacement got here today--delivered by another mattress company contracted by Amazon. Screen was cracked just as bad as the first. Now another week of waiting for attempt number three.

That blows, man. I hope third times the charm. If not, you should ask for your money back if they can't get anything better then ******* to deliver your TV.
They can ship out a replacement immediately when one arrives damaged--but if I give up and ask for a refund, it will take weeks before I get my money back so I can buy elsewhere. Also, there was a deal going on with a free 3D player and starter pack with glasses and movie, worth about $500 or more. That deal is done, so I would either lose it or it would be deducted from my refund. I'm not expecting a happy conclusion, one way or another. For now, I'll just be patient and let them burn through as many 63" sets as it takes before they get their shipping issues straightened out.
They can ship out a replacement immediately when one arrives damaged--but if I give up and ask for a refund, it will take weeks before I get my money back so I can buy elsewhere. Also, there was a deal going on with a free 3D player and starter pack with glasses and movie, worth about $500 or more. That deal is done, so I would either lose it or it would be deducted from my refund. I'm not expecting a happy conclusion, one way or another. For now, I'll just be patient and let them burn through as many 63" sets as it takes before they get their shipping issues straightened out.

With a deal like that, i would let them ship as many as they want until one arrives in one piece :D I thought you bought just the TV.
They can ship out a replacement immediately when one arrives damaged--but if I give up and ask for a refund, it will take weeks before I get my money back so I can buy elsewhere. Also, there was a deal going on with a free 3D player and starter pack with glasses and movie, worth about $500 or more. That deal is done, so I would either lose it or it would be deducted from my refund. I'm not expecting a happy conclusion, one way or another. For now, I'll just be patient and let them burn through as many 63" sets as it takes before they get their shipping issues straightened out.

I just hope you don't get one that looks fine, but has damage inside it that won't show up for awhile.

Is this a direct buy through Amazon, or through one of their partners?
Just picked up the Back to the Future trilogy on blu-ray..:yess:

Oh, it has a 3D lenticular slip cover, I don't keep em' so if anyone want's it pm me your postal details and I'll send it world wide for free.
First person to do so will get it. If I don't here from anyone by Friday
it's going in the bin.
Just picked up the Back to the Future trilogy on blu-ray..:yess:

Oh, it has a 3D lenticular slip cover, I don't keep em' so if anyone want's it pm me your postal details and I'll send it world wide for free.
First person to do so will get it. If I don't here from anyone by Friday
it's going in the bin

No more pm's, we have a winner.
Congrats to the Ween..:wink1: pm sent.