Predator Legendary Scale Busts

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Looks very cool, I just hope it looks this good "in hand" they rarely ever are:( I am so not a fan of nameplates... I frigging know it's from Predator & don't need a plate to remind me. Some type of Bio would have been beyond awesome. Oh well...

But anyway...I like this, but I'm not a huge fan of the "tilt" of the head. :dunno

I like it,reminds me of a particular scene in the film.

350 is a bit steep but the detail is very good on this and i'll never own the 1:1 so its a no brainer for me,bring on the Aliens and P2
pics are up!


its an nameplate....





The Exclusive Predator Legendary Scale Bust, which will include an additional nameplate accessory for complimentary display will have an Edition Size of 500 and will be priced at $349.99! Additionally, a regular version, without the nameplate will be available for Pre-Order and priced at $349.99.

I love it, will definitely be picking this up
Looks real good so far. I wonder if the dreads are made out of the same material as the one on the 1:1 bust. The price could be due to the fact that they might be using mixed media on this. However, I do agree they should have inclused a bio helmet instead of the name plate and for the price they could have attached a plasma cannon. Anywho I don't have anything predator related so this will have to be a must for me despite the things i said. I guess this happens to most collectors...
Nice. Looking forward to picking this up. Althought I think $350 is a little much I'll just be picking up the regular someplace else for a bit cheaper.
we dont even know the details yet, but assuming the ex is just a nameplate, i would guess $300-400.


Loving it,easy decision for me,will pre order the reg i reckon

if the reg and Ex are the same price, that would be a fail on your part.


I find it much more accurate than the 1/1 bust.

can't get more accurate then something made from the movie molds.........that being the 1:1

Btw-this is an easy order, but SS could have hit a homerun with a Bio Ex; instead, they went for the opposite field double to the gap. Those bastards better not F up this line, especially with the $150 increase compared to other LSB's.
350 is a bit steep but the detail is very good on this and i'll never own the 1:1 so its a no brainer for me,bring on the Aliens and P2

I agree with this point you made. There is no way i'll ever get the Predator 1:1 so it's a no brainer. Can't wait to see what the rest of the line has in store.
Definite order from me...not interested in the exclusive for the nameplate. If the exclusive is there when I get home from work, I'll snag it since it's the same price...but if not, it's not big deal at all.
An NRD on both the Ex AND the regular? This is beginning to feel like musical chairs; SS changes the deal for every item now. This is a fantastic piece but there's no way I can put down a deposit on something that I might have to cancel.
If the rest of this line stays at this standard this will be one hell of a line,i hope the Alien pieces live up to this,if they do,well welcome to the poor house for me :lol

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