The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

The Daryl figure looks like a junkie about to shoot up. :lol

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Wow, those figures look terrible! I don't need to see them in person to tell they are garbage. Look nothing like the prototypes...and $18 a pop? None for me thanks!
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Yea, I feel exactly the opposite of Yo - at least the zombies are cool for the scale, and I like the action feature. The human figures are simply awful.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I'm glad The character drama seems to be getting more intense. I'm more interested to watch what happens.

But they do need to move things forward. I'm sick of the hunt for Sophia. Fine if they want a quick scene, but there's far...FAR more interesting things happening with Glenn/Maggie, and Shane and Rick, then the hunt for stupid Sophia. I really hope they kill her off.

And seeing Marlee was great. Always good to see some Rooker. :D

This episode was ok. Wish the dinner table scene was longer. You could've had more interesting things come up then just Otis. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I know there's some issue with sweeps and taking a break and all that. So is the next ep the last until Jan? How does that whole thing work?
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

man, just when i thought andrea couldn't get any more annoying. :mad:
stupid ********. will someone in the show PLEASE make sure she never handles guns ever again!

daryl on the other hand, is one character that's going from strength to strength. he's really growing to be my favourite of the group. which means they'll prob just kill him off eventually.

i like glenn too, and i do feel for him with the maggie-blowing-hot-and-cold situation. :lol
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Oh and I found this...guess it came from IMDB. HUGE SPOILERS. MEGA HUGE....

SOPHIEA BECOMES A ZOMBIE! OH thank GOD! I'm so glad she's gonna be dead. Now that stupid girl ended up paying for her stupidity! I love this show! It's smart, and has balls!! Maybe this will get rid of the mom too! The proof is on IMDB. I'd post the pic, but I dont want anyone to get in trouble. Just in case.

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Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Oh and I found this...guess it came from IMDB. HUGE SPOILERS. MEGA HUGE.... OH thank GOD! I'm so glad she's gonna be dead. Now that stupid girl ended up paying for her stupidity! I love this show! It's smart, and has balls!! Maybe this will get rid of the mom too!


Oh wow!!! :thud: :panic:
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Oh and I found this...guess it came from IMDB. HUGE SPOILERS. MEGA HUGE....

SOPHIEA BECOMES A ZOMBIE! OH thank GOD! I'm so glad she's gonna be dead. Now that stupid girl ended up paying for her stupidity! I love this show! It's smart, and has balls!! Maybe this will get rid of the mom too! The proof is on IMDB. I'd post the pic, but I dont want anyone to get in trouble. Just in case.


finally some progress in the story
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Oh and I found this...guess it came from IMDB. HUGE SPOILERS. MEGA HUGE....

SOPHIEA BECOMES A ZOMBIE! OH thank GOD! I'm so glad she's gonna be dead. Now that stupid girl ended up paying for her stupidity! I love this show! It's smart, and has balls!! Maybe this will get rid of the mom too! The proof is on IMDB. I'd post the pic, but I dont want anyone to get in trouble. Just in case.


Damnit. I clicked on that. Mea culpa. :banghead

Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC


I'd be intrigued by the development of Sophie being in the barn, as we've already discussed here, I hate to point out that the girl coming out of the barn is wearing a different shirt than the Sophie photo from in the woods.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

I will not click that spoiler!

I think at this point, Darryl would be 90% of viewers favourite character. Him and Glenn are really the only ones developing at all. This leads me to believe something will happen with Darryl, good or probably bad.

I can see a several kill offs soon as some characters are just taking up space.

Anyone happen to have zombie dreams lately? I have had a couple now in the last few weeks since discovering this show lol.
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC

Oh and I found this...guess it came from IMDB. HUGE SPOILERS. MEGA HUGE....

SOPHIEA BECOMES A ZOMBIE! OH thank GOD! I'm so glad she's gonna be dead. Now that stupid girl ended up paying for her stupidity! I love this show! It's smart, and has balls!! Maybe this will get rid of the mom too! The proof is on IMDB. I'd post the pic, but I dont want anyone to get in trouble. Just in case.


Might be a dream sequence? You never know with the show. /o/

If it winds up she is, Hershall's acquisition will be one hell of an interesting explanation.