Can anyone take some pictures of his shoulder armor? The lower piece came off on mine!! Gonna have to find something to reattach it with!
Hi there, guys.
I ment to ask about something... Might sound stupid, but i 'll take my changes. Ok...
Is there any problem if i put my Hot Toys figures near warm places like near a radiator or something like that? I have no other space left in my room and i am actually worried about the joints not to loosen up. I recently bought Falconer and he is the one spending time there. Lol...
Thanking you for any response.
Hmmm. Whatever about an all-plastic figure I might worry about a figure that has rubber - in this case his dreads.
Finally got this guy and I love it much more than Berserker. Now all I need is Tracker. =D
This one is my fave of the 3. He's the most basic figure wise, but that bio just kicks too much ass.
..and once you got the Tracker, I'm sure you'll love it more than this guy.
Yeah well that's gonna' take a while.Need to save up for Classic, first. But considering the prices aren't rising too much for Tracker, I'm fine with waiting.
And I looove the Bio.
Yeah, I believe the supply is so high nowdays hence the stable price. But don't wait too long.
Surely.But the prices here in Malaysia are floating around retail price, still. Heck, he's selling for just as little as his two clan members. I remember him being distinctively more in terms of price when he came out over here, too. So I'm in no hurry.
In fact, the more I think about it, the more I wanna' get rid of these two and just get Tracker to go with Classic.