Rainmans Dr. Huckleberry

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Cap'n Cook

Not mother?
CF Supporter
Feb 10, 2008
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Hi guys

Been speaking to Rainman a bit and can now confirm his first figure for 2012 is.....
.................Doc Holliday from Tombstone!!

Rainman loves classic films and, as I am sure most of you know, EXCELS at western figures.


No further info yet re which clothing or if this will be a Tombstone line but I am very excited!




Painted headsculpt:


Resin casted revolvers:


Sherrif's badge:


The outift choice is from Doc's final quickdraw with Johnny Ringo....as hopefully he will come later on! :yess:

Stay tuned for updates!

Snake / Rainman
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Re: Rainmans New Project: Vacation Gunslinger

Hi guys

Been speaking to Rainman a bit and can now confirm his first figure for 2012 is.....
.................Doc Holliday from Tombstone!!

Rainman loves classic films and, as I am sure most of you know, EXCELS at western figures.

Super cool, I know he'll make this look INCREDIBLE! I'll be watching this with GREAT interest! :clap

Oh, and not to hijack this thread, but the part about Rainman excelling at western figures has me even MORE excited at the possibility that we'll see BTTF III 'western' Marty McFly and Doc Brown down the line to go with his current Marty Part I and (hopefully upcoming) Marty Part II! :pray:

Re: Rainmans New Project: Vacation Gunslinger

Interesting choice. Should be excellent. I love the movie and character, but not sure if it's something I'll be willing to pay Rainman prices for or not. He'll have to get the sickly look in the sculpt and paint work, for sure.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Vacation Gunslinger


110% IN!!!

Fantastic opener for 2012 :)

I would love to see him do Wyatt Earp and Johnny Ringo but Doc is actually all I need
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Not my cup of tea, but glad for everyone who wanted one. Good for my wallet anyway, still recovering from the last two.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Now That, is one helluva Collectible! Love the character and Rainman would be the best person to create one! Just wish I could afford it :( Nevertheless, its Great news for all the fans, a very Good start to the New Year! :clap
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

so is he gunna do all the main Characters from Tombstone? Because it would be stupid just to make Doc Holiday
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Awesome!! but this type of collecting is painful. People _____ about Hot Toys figures rising in price by $30. Pfft... aint noth'n. But this stuff is always worth the price of admission. Can't wait to see some progress.
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Rainmans work will be spectacular as always........but I think I'll pass on this one, Somthing doesn't feel right! Hmmmm...
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

Pass... ok movie, but charcter isnt 'that' iconic for Rainman prices.
Still hoping for a Bateman in the future
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

This will rival Wonka & The Butcher :)

This will be extremely intricate and complex. I certainly think this character has Rainman all over it!

I am super excited for WIP's now :lol
Re: Rainmans New Project: Dr. Huckleberry

I can't wait to see Rainmans 1/6 SAA Quickdraw and Colt Lightning :drool




Maybe an early contender for the 'special item' could be the Belgian made 10 gauge Meteor

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