Super Freak
That is filler I believe!
- Fun though! 

That is filler I believe!- Fun though!
Started on Highschool of the Dead yesterday & my god it's all T & A
Don't get me wrong it's not a bad thing there is just a LOT!!!!
I hadn't expected quite as much as there was to be honest.
Only finished up to episode 2 but it's got me interested.
Only issue so far is my Blu-Ray has terrible audio.
The Jpn audio is SO quite that you can hardly hear it & the Dub is just SO LOUD!!! that I have to turn the telly right down.
Bloody thing...the only way I can watch it is with the English dub & I hate that![]()
OMG tell me about it. The english dub I have to turn the volume almost completely off because it's so damn loud! HOTD is great though and I really hope we get a second season.
OMG tell me about it. The english dub I have to turn the volume almost completely off because it's so damn loud! HOTD is great though and I really hope we get a second season.
I think they are working on season 2
That would be good if they do.
Still soldering on with Highschool of the Dead
Watched Episode 6 today...Blimey!!!!!!
It was almost like Hentai in the bath scene's
There were ****s & bums everywhere...I'm not complaining but I'd never really seen an anime with this level of Fan Service that wasn't hentai or had Tentacle's so wasn't quite ready for it.
Still that aside I'm enjoying it.
Good level's of gore, story is good & it's really well paced, plus I actually feel for all the characters...including the cannon fodder characters like the Police in Episode 6 & the Mother/Child scene was a little grim, but worked.
Half Way through so high hopes for the rest.
Ep 6 of HOTD is my fave. I love the comment about Sarah Palin in the English dub version and yes tons of ****s and butts in that ep.
I started spice and wolf today
I started spice and wolf today
Bleach anime will come to an end on March 27th in Japan and Kubo has started writing the last arc of the manga, although he did say it will be the longest arc yet. It is unknown at this point if the anime might return once the last arc is completed in the manga.