Super Freak
Did anyone just read the last shippuden?
yes. Do I get a prize?
Did anyone just read the last shippuden?
but who the heck is tobi?
I'm talking about the japanese manga
Cool, let me know what you think.
I watched the first 4 episodes of Shigurui the other night & to be honest it's all a bit meh
It's suitably gory & sex infused but it's just not very good.
The animation style means it can be very hard to watch as it's pretty dark & working out what's going on can be difficult.
Plus the first couple of episodes are pretty dull with not a lot happening & it's very broken up.
I think I might give it another episode or 2 but to be honest it's not good enough to hold my attention when I have plenty of other series to get through that are much much better.
Check out Queen's Blade if you get a chance. The dirty elf girl is the best, I mean just look at her underwear.
I'm finally trying to work my way through Bleach.
Only up to episode 43 but really enjoying it so far...even the filler episodes have been enjoyable...bloody funny at times as well
Hoping to get some more new Anime for Chrimbo...anybody expecting anything new as well?
Yes Bleach is great. It gets even better and more interesting in the later episodes.
Im still watching Highschool of the dead. I really havent been feeling any anime lately though.
Awesome...looking forward to get further into it.
I've got the 3 movies which have received western releases lined up as well to fit in where required during the story arcs.
I picked that up on Blu-Ray the other month so that will get some watching when I feel the need for a break from Bleach.
How are you finding it??
I think its pretty cool actually. I can do without all the fan service though. Im not one of those guys that gets off on anime ****s...does nothing but annoy me. The story itself and all the zombie action is pretty cool though.
I had heard it was a bit ****ie...one to watch when the wife is out.
She just about lets me watch Bleach & that's obviously fairly ****-less but she is of the opinion that all anime is are great big wobbling breasts (she's not wrong most of the time) so think I'd probably struggle to get this one past her.
Still action & Zombies...what is there not to like lol