Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Spoilers!!)
I'm not up-to-date in this thread. I've just skimmed and scanned a bit, and I'm surprised by how much talk there is of this season being weak or having lazy writing...
Personally, I loved every minute of the season. It had somewhat slow parts earlier on, but the last few episodes were spectacular.
The only areas of the show that seem "lazy" in terms of writing all pertain to Lori. Some of her choices are so inexplicably stupid that it almost strains credulity. But I guess that's just her character. She's definitely my least favorite on the show.
Daryl is still my personal fav.
I'm so thankful that Shane is gone. I can't abide his kind of character (in fiction or real life) and although he served a purpose as an antagonist for a while, I could not stand his presence much longer.
Regarding Shane's death - I was behind a week in episodes and I was casually watching David Letterman one night and was excitted to see Jon Bernthal walk out on stage. The very first sentence out of Letterman's mouth were "Last night your character was killed off."
This is literally the worst spoiler I have ever heard. I instantly paused my TiVo after he said it, wishing I could go back in time. Yes it's my fault for watching an interview with a Walking Dead character when I wasn't caught up with the show, but COME ON! The very next day Dave is spoiling a huge plot point?! Isn't there some kind of cap on how soon you can reveal spoilers?! Surly it's longer than ONE DAY!!! 
Anyway, here's the interview for those that missed it:
[The first time I watched it I didn't notice that before the interview even starts he said: "...until last night, our guest stared in..."]
I will say that the way Shane died was still a surprise for me. I mean, the show-down between Shane and Rick wasn't a huge surprise, but the way it all went down with Randall, and then Shane taking Rick out alone was very well done in my opinion. And when Rick was talking Shane down like he has so many times, I really didn't expect the stabbing. Loved it.
And the hoard of zombies climbing out of the shadows gave me chills.
Regarding the season finale: I honestly felt like I was watching George Romero. The zombie kills were spectacular. I think thats the farthest we've seen them push the violence/gore in the show. I also liked the reveal of what the CDC guy said to Rick. A truly excellent show, and I can't wait to see the next season.
I have to comment on this scene:
I haven't read the comics, but this was so obviously lifted straight from its pages that it almost took me out of the show.
On the one hand, my first thought was 'holy crap, that's badass!' but then it felt a little bit... what's the word... campy? That's not it exactly, but it felt off in some way. Like everything up to that point in the series has felt real, but that image felt like something out of Resident Evil: Afterlife or something. I hope that it works well in the context of next season. What possible practical purpose could there be for having two Walkers chained to you at all times? Does it ward off other Walkers somehow, or is it just to look cool?
That's all for now.
I'm not up-to-date in this thread. I've just skimmed and scanned a bit, and I'm surprised by how much talk there is of this season being weak or having lazy writing...
Personally, I loved every minute of the season. It had somewhat slow parts earlier on, but the last few episodes were spectacular.
The only areas of the show that seem "lazy" in terms of writing all pertain to Lori. Some of her choices are so inexplicably stupid that it almost strains credulity. But I guess that's just her character. She's definitely my least favorite on the show.
Daryl is still my personal fav.
I'm so thankful that Shane is gone. I can't abide his kind of character (in fiction or real life) and although he served a purpose as an antagonist for a while, I could not stand his presence much longer.
Regarding Shane's death - I was behind a week in episodes and I was casually watching David Letterman one night and was excitted to see Jon Bernthal walk out on stage. The very first sentence out of Letterman's mouth were "Last night your character was killed off."

Anyway, here's the interview for those that missed it:
[The first time I watched it I didn't notice that before the interview even starts he said: "...until last night, our guest stared in..."]
I will say that the way Shane died was still a surprise for me. I mean, the show-down between Shane and Rick wasn't a huge surprise, but the way it all went down with Randall, and then Shane taking Rick out alone was very well done in my opinion. And when Rick was talking Shane down like he has so many times, I really didn't expect the stabbing. Loved it.
And the hoard of zombies climbing out of the shadows gave me chills.
Regarding the season finale: I honestly felt like I was watching George Romero. The zombie kills were spectacular. I think thats the farthest we've seen them push the violence/gore in the show. I also liked the reveal of what the CDC guy said to Rick. A truly excellent show, and I can't wait to see the next season.
I have to comment on this scene:

I haven't read the comics, but this was so obviously lifted straight from its pages that it almost took me out of the show.
On the one hand, my first thought was 'holy crap, that's badass!' but then it felt a little bit... what's the word... campy? That's not it exactly, but it felt off in some way. Like everything up to that point in the series has felt real, but that image felt like something out of Resident Evil: Afterlife or something. I hope that it works well in the context of next season. What possible practical purpose could there be for having two Walkers chained to you at all times? Does it ward off other Walkers somehow, or is it just to look cool?

That's all for now.