So NOT the point when that member is being purposefully disruptful, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, in a thread that is then locked.
FYI, that's what mods are for.
This forum is a place for people to share their opinions and have discussions with one another. In the course of that, sometimes, folks won't get along. I've read Butters' posts, and though I can see how they are annoying and raise the blood pressure of some members, they really aren't that big of a deal for someone looking from a less involved point of view. Just ignore him if everything he posts bothers you. Easy to do, then you won't have to respond to him or get involved in these disputes. The other alternative is not to take things personally, to remember that this is a forum about toys where people are anonymous, and to relax.
Darklord Dave's advice to all mods here is that "less moderation is more." We aren't interested in infracting/banning members just because they like to aggravate others a bit. There are a number of members that do that, more or less, some of which were around long before even I showed up. And unless they really go overboard or until/unless the admin changes his attitude, then it really would be best if folks could just try to accept that some will have different points of view, and if you have irreconcilable problems with someone, then you should use the ignore function, which exists for issues like this one.
Butters doesn't like NECA. Fine. I've asked him to stay out of NECA threads considering that he's only going to be there to rile people up. He does like Hot Toys, so he has a right to talk about them here, and to be a bit of a "Hot Toys fanboy" if he so chooses.
Having said all that, I think civility is important, so I would kindly ask that Butters and those responding to him attempt to work on their ability to have more civilized discussions. Treating others' opinions as illegitimate and name-calling is inappropriate, and if it keeps happening there could be negative consequences for all involved.