Hot Toys- 1/6 Avengers Thor

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I don't know... Maybe if it's as cheap as Hawkeye I might get it. Really hoped for two headsculpts...
Looks good to me, missed the first release so this is a no brainier.
Teaser threads should be locked when the official specs thread is up. People won't have to dig for the new pics that way.
I think the problem with the head are the eyes and maybe the colour of his hair/beard, it doesn't look like Chris Hemsworth
He looks like the dude from LOTR the horse rider guy. Anyway I missed out on the first Thor so Im buying. Plus im not that hung up on them looking exactly like the actor. I just want a detailed Thor figure.
I was hoping HT would add sleeveless arms as well to make him look more like the comics version. Ah well.
The only downside is no helmet, other than that I'm sold.
SAHWEEET! Definitely picking this guy up. Going to keep my current Thor with his helmet on standing next to Odin.
I think the problem with the head are the eyes and maybe the colour of his hair/beard, it doesn't look like Chris Hemsworth

Spot on! The main problem is the eyes and the eyebrow. I made a comparison pic of real life Chris. This might be the reference photo as well for the Hot Toys sculpt.

I added the 1st Thor HS as well for full comparison

Spot on! The main problem is the eyes and the eyebrow. I made a comparison pic of real life Chris. This might be the reference photo as well for the Hot Toys sculpt.

I added the 1st Thor HS as well for full comparison


I guess it may the type of stuff I notice first... but whenever a sculpt is off... always look at the nose. The nose is something your brain unconsciously notices without even being focused on.
...I made a comparison pic of real life Chris. This might be the reference photo as well for the Hot Toys sculpt.

I added the 1st Thor HS as well for full comparison


This is spot on! Excellent comparison. :clap
Forehead too high, brows too pronounced, eyes too small and too sunken, nose too straight, nostrils not arched enough, the point of his jaw is too low, chin too broad.

In short it's just all horribly wrong. Please, please HT get this sorted before release!

And sleeveless look too.
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