Statue Cap Movie PF..Order now..Links to Order in 1st post !!.

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True statement for this statue in my book :lecture

I am very curious what he looks like with the BD shield when his face facing forward. Why Sideshow didn't take pics in that angle is beyond me. :dunno

Yeah, I would have liked to have the metallic shield facing foward. I think that would have looked boss. Not the standard shield. Oh well.
You cancel this, Raiki? :horror

Regrettably! I've had to allocate funds to other things which made me come to the decision that I would keep my Joker order over Cap. I'll probably pick up a reg when the time is right but I'm going to miss that shield. :monkey2
Regrettably! I've had to allocate funds to other things which made me come to the decision that I would keep my Joker order over Cap. I'll probably pick up a reg when the time is right but I'm going to miss that shield. :monkey2

Sad to hear that :(
Regrettably! I've had to allocate funds to other things which made me come to the decision that I would keep my Joker order over Cap. I'll probably pick up a reg when the time is right but I'm going to miss that shield. :monkey2

Damn funds! Will get you every time!:mad: Hope you can fill that void soon!
Thanks guys. I just got Thor two weeks ago and I wasn't expecting to have these two hit in the same month.

I understand. I have a bad feeling that Batman, Droids and Rhino are gonna hit me hard about the same time. Who knows though!
Too bad. Yeah, the release schedule can really be a _____ when pieces hit at the same time. Personally, I would have kept Cap over Thor, but that's just me. :monkey1

Thank goodness Colossus got pushed back to July and Joker is still on course for next month.