Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Was this even in question when you can clearly see the relief in the movie? They have many shots of it.

The fact that's its called 'the altar' is even more interesting.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I'll say this... I'm definitely picking up the Art Of book, because the design work was impeccable.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

IExactly. That's the funny part. People desperately trying to explain MacGuffin's. :lol

I think over the next few months/years it will eventually piece together until something else comes along and blows our theories away.:lol

Are most under the impression the the Xeno's have been around for awhile then?
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

You just got me fired.

Oh and the movie was alright. Nice fx and sets and designs, but average everywhere else. And I guess it's mandatory that every robot in the Alien flicks get dismembered so we see cream of wheat run out of their mouths.

I would buy a HT Space Jockey though.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I think this movie pretends to be intelligent in order to make dumb cinema goers feel they are more intelligent.

There is NOTHING deep in this movie. The conversations with Ridley Scott ABOUT the context/subtext of the movie are thought provoking,
but it ends there unfortunately.

It's a trashy sci-fi movie, unless you are 12 years old and wear black nail varnish.

I still love it though...

I agree with this. :lecture I didn't love the movie, though. But I did enjoy watching it because of the stellar production design, FX, and a couple of solid performances (that does not include the 2 leads, Rapace and Tom Hardy Lookalike Dude, who were pretty awful).
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I think this movie pretends to be intelligent in order to make dumb cinema goers feel they are more intelligent.

There is NOTHING deep in this movie. The conversations with Ridley Scott ABOUT the context/subtext of the movie are thought provoking,
but it ends there unfortunately.

It's a trashy sci-fi movie, unless you are 12 years old and wear black nail varnish.

I still love it though...
I think you have this confused with Nolan's Batman movies.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I really enjoyed the film!! I thought it had some thought provoking moments mixed with classic sci-fi. Absolutely beautiful set design and FX, and i thought Noomi gave a stellar performance. And I like the fact you leave with questions unanswered. Not everything needs to be answered especially when your dealing with this kind of subject matter because in reality there are no answers...It leads us to want to know more....And its an interesting interactive experience going around the various Prometheus websites to find some other clues, like the Weyland Industries sites. And also learning about the influence of the Nietzche novel.

So there will be more to find out, hopefully more clues in the Blue Ray, and love to see a next movie to see where Shaw & David wind up going.

Very nice review.:hi5:
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

He's a made up character who can trash any movie

Here is his Terminator 2 "Review"

About the Author: Sam Strange takes movies, and then pretends he made them, but he screws it all up and remembers everything wrong, and I'm not sure why it's supposed to be funny because sometimes he talks about movies I've seen and it really makes me mad how wrong his facts are, especially since he didn't actually make the film like he says he did.

Still not funny.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I think you have this confused with Nolan's Batman movies.

They're pretty much in-line, except Nolan's scripts aren't totally inept and are at least coherent. With the possibly exception of Batman Begins, because Goyer sucks.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

to me this just shows how awful entertainment journalism has become. Its hard to find and good journalism in movies and music industry these days, and the ones who think they are funny write childish stuff like this and yet somehow can call themselves a journalist and get some popularity off it...For me, i don't care for this kind of writing at all and its like ya, you have obviously seen your share of Mystery Science Theater. Congratulations to you! :lol

It's not journalism, though. It's not even an actual review. It's just a goof on a blog. Nothing at all to get annoyed over.

That said, there are also plenty of serious, professional reviews that have dissected this film and exposed its numerous flaws. Well, not necessarily dissected, because some of the problems aren't very difficult to identify and point out at all.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I liked the movie, but I still thought the thing about planet big **** in the free nacho quadrant was pretty funny.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I guess I didn't take this movie that serious. I thought it was a fun sci-fi movie with the usual problems these films have.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

The more and more I think of the life cycle of squid face hugger, the more I think the Xeno from Alien is more the proto than the thing we see at the end. Think about it: what is a more efficient way to wipe out a population? Drop some goo in the world's water supply, making the men and women slowly break down/go insane and kill eachother, with some creating 'squid huggers' together before they get really sick (all depends how much goo you use I suppose) that impregnate survivors with Xenos that further hunt down survivors. How many wipe out fail safes does that culling have? lol Cuts out the need for a queen to lay eggs. And the Nostromo finding their jockey in a more ancient state of calcification just backs it more up that the Xenos in Alien are a less efficient, older prototype of the crap we see in Prometheus.

Well thought out, though at the same time we don't know the intelligence of the xenomorph. It could be that the "Alien" model was much smarter and hence more effective at destroying a population quickly. The Queen would be a drawback, but perhaps the gain in power/intelligence was sufficient to make this the "better weapon".

I certainly think the space-jockeys were building more than one weapon. It could also be that they had many different types in their arsenal and they used many of them at the same time to destroy a world.