Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Glad it wasn't though. It's nice sitting through a film without kids running up and down the aisles to the toilet every 5 minutes.

Ridley himself said the film was not very violet or bloody; and really it wasn't.
It was the themes and ideas within the film that earned it an R rating. I assume he refers to the premise of the Space Jockeys being our creator; it wasn't subtle it was central to the story. The studio probably thought kids/teens would grow up believing in Space Jockeys as their god, so they opted to give it an R rating.

Good choice because most younger viewers would not have understood the film.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I think this movie pretends to be intelligent in order to make dumb cinema goers feel they are more intelligent.

There is NOTHING deep in this movie. The conversations with Ridley Scott ABOUT the context/subtext of the movie are thought provoking,
but it ends there unfortunately.

It's a trashy sci-fi movie, unless you are 12 years old and wear black nail varnish.

I still love it though...

you say trashy but you love it,...looks intelligent just for dumb folks and nothing deep but is thought provoking...?...LOL
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

The thing is David might not be a Soulless being, it's only assumed he is by humans, it appears he is hurt every time somebody just regards him as nothing more than a robot, what is a soul anyway, we might be no more than biological robots ourselves, pre-programmed by our DNA? Also he likes Lawrence of Arabia because Peter Weyand admires T.E Lawrence, and all of David's actions are directed by Weyland in his sleep chamber.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

funny ____ you found there Irish :clap

They're touching everything, putting random soft things in their mouth and running with scissors. :lol
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

No I said Ridley Scott's interviews about the subject matter of the movie were thought provoking. Where did we come from, where are we going when we die etc?
However they forgot to actually deal with any of that in the movie itself.

I think the script for the actual movie asks little, answers nothing and is engaging, beautifully made trashy sic-fi.

I love trashy sci-fi.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

On a good screen, yes. Maybe yes even on a smaller screen. I'm not sure where you're going to see it at, go see it in 3D and then let me know if it was worth it.

I don't want to look through the thread because I haven't seen this yet. Is the 3D worth it?

IMAX or regular version yes....not regular 3D... JMHO

I don't have an IMAX anywhere near me, so I'll probably just see it in 2D then. I know Avengers was pretty dark at my theater in 3D.
Oops. Forgot to add the link, sorry.

It's from BadAssDigest. The "Sam Strange Remembers" Review of the film:

I'm still :lol Especially at the spot-on nicknames like "Missy Opossum" and "Tom Hardy" (I was actually thinking during the film, "Wow, this guy is like Tom Hardy without the talent or likeability.") :lol
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Oops. Forgot to add the link, sorry.

It's from BadAssDigest. The "Sam Strange Remembers" Review of the film:

I'm still :lol Especially at the spot-on nicknames like "Missy Opossum" and "Tom Hardy" (I was actually thinking during the film, "Wow, this guy is like Tom Hardy without the talent or likeability.") :lol

Not even remotely funny, even if I hated the film. I'm so glad he had fun trashing it though, that's what's important - trashing things.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Not even remotely funny, even if I hated the film. I'm so glad he had fun trashing it though, that's what's important - trashing things.

He's a made up character who can trash any movie

Here is his Terminator 2 "Review"

I looked to see if he did one on Sucker Punch.

Victims of Rape Have Very Sexy Fantasies: Sucker Punch

Rape is all about power. Victims often find solace in a psychological fantasy land where they regain power over men by looking really sexy while they dance. But as they dance men stare at their ****ies, which is an eye rape. So in their sexy dancer fantasy, they find solace in an even deeper psychological fantasy land where they look more sexy and kill robots, robotic Nazis, and baby dragons. You didn't know this before, but everyone knows it now.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Found these posted at SHH:


And this...

Bottom left and right corners.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

YYYYYYYYESSS! Great evidence that the Xenomorph has been around for a very, very long time.. :)
He's a made up character who can trash any movie

Here is his Terminator 2 "Review"

I looked to see if he did one on Sucker Punch.

Yeah, he does it for every movie. It's a gag. He finds faults and blows them up and finds plot holes and makes them huge gaping wounds, but does it in a tongue-in-cheek way. I dig it, even when he "trashes" movies I like.

And I don't dislike Prometheus. I just don't think it's particularly very good and has way more problems than a movie of this caliber and pedigree should have. But instead of raging about it, I'd rather have a laugh at it, like "Sam Strange". :lecture
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Yeah, he does it for every movie. It's a gag. He finds faults and blows them up and finds plot holes and makes them huge gaping wounds, but does it in a tongue-in-cheek way. I dig it, even when he "trashes" movies I like.

And I don't dislike Prometheus. I just don't think it's particularly very good and has way more problems than a movie of this caliber and pedigree should have. But instead of raging about it, I'd rather have a laugh at it, like "Sam Strange". :lecture

And you know I did the Sucker Punch quote because I know you like that movie, I did it only in jest. Honest :lol
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

It's clearly there can see the first two fingers easily, then the third more in the top middle of the screenshot.

Then there's the egg flap directly left of the circle..
