Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

You can't possibly be defending some of the utter stupidity that was in this film. A majority of the characters and their dialogue and actions are absolutely no better than in the first AvP. Prometheus was supposed to be infinitely better than that. Instead, what separates it is amazing design, great visuals, and 2-3 performances that deserved to be in a better movie, especially Fassbender as David.

aliens is classic. i have hick's "heart" tattooed on my chest forever. alien 3 is in my top 10 favorite movies. terminator 2 is probably my favorite. predator is somewhere in the top 5. alien is like the veteran original that still reigns supreme.

what i'm saying is i'm no stranger to sci-fi films.

prometheus was laughable. i literally laughed at parts that you were not intended to laugh at. i laughed when it was done. what an abomination of a movie. i could go on for a page about the why's, but i think this thread has already covered most all points. the above quote does a nice job of summing it up for me. assuming a film's purpose is to tell you an engaging story, and a car's is to get you from point a to point b, prometheus is the kind of car no one can figure out how to drive, and even if they could, it's not designed to leave the parking lot. but it's really expensive and looks good.

what a bitter disappointment.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

Said it before and I'll say it again: Any writer that lets the audience interpret their story the way they want is just lazy. I watch movies to see someone else's work/art not to fill in the blanks because they were too lazy to. And the funny part is, in anything else that would be unacceptable but with movies people praise that BS.

Imagine hiring people to build you a house and when you show up to see the finished product there's just a bunch of wood laying on the ground and then the contractor says "It's up to YOU and your imagination to decide how this ends!"

Yeah.. ____ all that. Tell it to the judge pinky.

But Mr. Devil, interpretation is one of the core aspects of art. Both from the artist and the audience.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

With all the hate this film is getting I doubt there will be a "next".
There have been FAR worse movies that have made sequels, and sequels to the sequels...I think we can be about 100% sure that we will see a Prometheus sequel.

I mean, if AvP or the godawful Transformer movies can have sequels...

And from what I've seen, it hasn't been doing that bad at the box officer for an R rated movie.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

My only real complaint would be Guy Pearce. I think they could have done that a little differently without him being the old Weyland. It would have been better to have found an older actor for that role and have Pearce just been in flashback scenes like they are doing with some of the Viral campaign.

:goodpost: I thought it was just me, thought he looked horrible as Old Weyland. I really thought he was in there for flashback scenes IN the movie, not just the viral stuff which I think was actually brilliant.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Aliens was an AMAZING movie. I love it to death. And I think I'll love Prometheus just as much if not more.
- Don't make me destroy you.

Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

I can't say I found anything laughable. I felt drawn in pretty quick and didn't feel taken out of the movie. This is coming for someone who was pretty skeptical of the movie going in. As I said in another thread it wasn't perfect and had some issues you see in other sci-fi movies do, but I had a pretty good time seeing this at midnight. I'll buy this on blu.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Shouldn't you be chasing moose and squirel..

And someone needs to find a screenshot of old Weyland. :lecture
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Just came back from seeing this... I really enjoyed it. I was confused at the beginning since I didn't think LV-233 sounded right, but figured I just messed up the numberfs in my head. So when I got home and realized my error the movie made a lot more sense... well as much as it could :lol

I hope there is a clear direction with a sequel as I'd love the next film or films to more directly tie into ALIEN. However, what we got here was very cool and I really enjoyed how the story played out. Some of the new creature designs were not my favorite, but I imagine part of that is the resistance to anything new when you have an established franchise like this.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Acting wasn't THAT great in Aliens either.

The girl who played Vasquez had some pretty bad moments, same with most of the background marines. I like Michael Biehn, but never found him to be an amazing actor. It's like he has Johnny Depp or Angelina Jolie syndrome. He can only play one character. And he seems high in every role he plays. :lol

But Aliens was an AMAZING movie. I love it to death. And I think I'll love Prometheus just as much if not more.

Just back from seeing Prometheus today, and as a diehard fan of the Alien series I can tell you that the next "Aliens," this ain't. [*kowtows in the general direction of "Aliens".....*]

The production values of Prometheus answer to no one. But the plot has so many holes in it, I don't know where to start. They are many, they are BIG holes and they're just all over the place.

I am annoyed that a huge spoiler for the film - the poster showing the two ships colliding - was out there weeks before the release. And was in fact released by Fox. Spoiling the high-point of the film, Fox? Really...? lol stupid move.

One thing i think they did get right: if we ever do meet aliens, they won't be interested in solving our problems for us. They wont give a **** about what we want, or about any questions we have, or what we think of them. In fact best to avoid them, as their interests may well be inimical to our own.

With that said, I find it hard to believe some representative of an advanced alien race is going to awaken from hypersleep, look around himself and ten seconds later start HULK SMASH-ing. What? Disbelief not suspended; this is not rational behavior.

Prometheus answers no questions, and strangely I find myself not real curious about having the questions it raises, answered. The ending for the humans just went far beyond my suspension of disbelief's ability to keep itself.... suspended. O well.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Just back from seeing Prometheus today, and as a diehard fan of the Alien series I can tell you that the next "Aliens," this ain't. [*kowtows in the general direction of "Aliens".....*]

The production values of Prometheus answer to no one. But the plot has so many holes in it, I don't know where to start. They are many, they are BIG holes and they're just all over the place.

I am annoyed that a huge spoiler for the film - the poster showing the two ships colliding - was out there weeks before the release. And was in fact released by Fox. Spoiling the high-point of the film, Fox? Really...? lol stupid move.

One thing i think they did get right: if we ever do meet aliens, they won't be interested in solving our problems for us. They wont give a **** about what we want, or about any questions we have, or what we think of them. In fact best to avoid them, as their interests may well be inimical to our own.

With that said, I find it hard to believe some representative of an advanced alien race is going to awaken from hypersleep, look around himself and ten seconds later start HULK SMASH-ing. What? Disbelief not suspended; this is not rational behavior.

Prometheus answers no questions, and strangely I find myself not real curious about having the questions it raises, answered. The ending for the humans just went far beyond my suspension of disbelief's ability to keep itself.... suspended. O well.

Yep, spoilers suck, especially endgame ones, but alot of the holes are out there to fill in. After reading up on what got ripped out it makes alot more sense if nothing else to appease the wtf was this? feeling.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

You know, while I like Damon Lindelof (sp?) and think he is an excellent writer with some really creative and "out there" ideas, I think he still suffers from a bad case of "LOST-itis" after his success with that TV show.

PROMETHEUS almost serves like an episode of LOST. Setting up the characters, the action and then building a mountain of mysteries and questions that leave you scratching your head and so open-ended as well. Unfortunately while LOST leaves you excited and on the edge of your seat for next week's with PROMETHEUS we're just left sort of hanging...or just suspended as Ramatuelle said.

I think they should've closed up some questions during the movie to at least give the audience the fulfillment of having some questions answered because though there are talks and whatever of a sequel...nothing is set in stone yet and we might just have to leave everything open to interpretation.

Now this week I have to tell a few buddies to watch the movie and almost drop ALIEN from their mind! Because there isn't too much to tie them all together and I think they'll be looking for that!
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

You know, while I like Damon Lindelof (sp?) and think he is an excellent writer with some really creative and "out there" ideas, I think he still suffers from a bad case of "LOST-itis" after his success with that TV show.

PROMETHEUS almost serves like an episode of LOST. Setting up the characters, the action and then building a mountain of mysteries and questions that leave you scratching your head and so open-ended as well. Unfortunately while LOST leaves you excited and on the edge of your seat for next week's with PROMETHEUS we're just left sort of hanging...or just suspended as Ramatuelle said.

I think they should've closed up some questions during the movie to at least give the audience the fulfillment of having some questions answered because though there are talks and whatever of a sequel...nothing is set in stone yet and we might just have to leave everything open to interpretation.

Now this week I have to tell a few buddies to watch the movie and almost drop ALIEN from their mind! Because there isn't too much to tie them all together and I think they'll be looking for that!

The planetoids are close together from Prometheus and Alien and people should be looking for other things that point to an "eventual" lock on what happens. They just shouldn't expect this to be Alien 1/2, which by the amount of people that ask if thats the ship and planetoid they land on in Alien, people are expecting that, because a little bit of judicious thought would tell them its not, but if someone has their mind set on this happening right before Alien I think they ignore the obvious in favor of what they're expecting.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

I mean, if AvP or the godawful Transformer movies can have sequels...

Bad examples.

AVP is the highest grossing Predator film domestically of all time and the second highest grossing Alien film domestically of all time (behind Aliens). And all three Transformers movies made over $300 Million each domestically.

That's why those movies got sequels.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Ridley Scott Talks PROMETHEUS and the BLADE RUNNER Sequel; Says PROMETHEUS Blu-ray Will Have 20 to 30 Min of Deleted Scenes - (Video Interview)

  • Talks about how he really enjoyed making Prometheus and his desire to do the sequel.
  • The first cut of the film was 2 hrs. 27 minutes.
  • The Blu-ray will have around 30 minutes of deleted scenes.
  • Says the Blu-Ray Extended Cut might be 20 minutes longer.
  • Talks about a scene from the Blade Runner sequel.

SCOTT: This is fundamentally the director’s cut. But there will be half an hour of stuff on the menu because people are so into films—how they’re made, how they’re set up, and the rejections in it. That’s why it’s fascinating. So this will all go on to the menu.

Well I’m curious about the deleted scenes. Specifically in this film, Noomi [Rapace] mentioned maybe there was a fight scene with her and an Engineer.
SCOTT: The Engineer fight scene was pretty good. It will definitely go on the menu. It won’t go on the long version. The problem about it is, while she gives as good as she gets with an axe (she’s very physical), he’s so big, for him to be clouted with a conventional weapon somehow diminished him. It’s subtle. It’s drama. I didn’t want to diminish him by having this person who has a weapon to be able to back him off. It minimized him. That’s why when he deals with people inside his cockpit, it’s over. Wham, wham, wham. Even the shot doesn’t mean anything. And so all she has time for is introducing him to the big boy inside the lab.

You’re going to do an extended cut on the Blu-ray/DVD. Is it a lot longer?
SCOTT: Twenty minutes.

So there’s, like, twenty minutes that will be added back in for a longer version?
SCOTT: Maybe. But I’m so happy with this engine, the way it is right now. I think it’s fine. I think it works. It can go in a section where, if you really want to tap in, look at the menu. To see how things are long, and it’s too long. Dramatically, I’m about putting bums on seats. For me to separate my idea of commerce from art—I’d be a fool. You can’t do that. I wouldn’t be allowed to do the films I do. So I’m very user friendly as far as the studios are concerned. To a certain extent, I’m a businessman. I’m aware that’s what I have to do. It’s my job. To say, “Screw the audience.” You can’t do that. “Am I communicating?” is the question. Am I communicating? Because if I’m not, I need to address it.
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Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Saw it today. I really liked it. Not Aliens good, but good none the less. I don't understand how people are saying this doesn't tie in to Alien. It did to me, but then, I don't study movies like some do so I don't know fine details. I just enjoy them for what they are.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

All make sure I get the EE then. Enjoyed the regular sure I will with more footage in it.
Re: Official Alien Prequel/Prometheus Discussion Thread

But Mr. Devil, interpretation is one of the core aspects of art. Both from the artist and the audience.

If you write a story, YOU of all people should know what the ____ it's supposed to be about. Period. If not, and if you say stuff like "well, it can be whatever you want it to be" then you're just a lazy ass writer who expects the audience to do your work for you.

A house is real though.

Doesn't matter, it's the same principle.
Re: Prometheus - Spoiler thread!

Okay, been browsing this thread a bit. I'm not even that big of a Alien fan, I don't know the in's and out's and such, but my take is that this will lead into alien quite nicely. Doesn't Shaw leave with a Space Joceky shuttle to look for other answers about the species? I wonder, if she crashes on a planet in the sequel (which would be the planet in Alien) maybe due to an Unknown life form on board? Looking at the pics a couple pages ago of the facehuggers latched on to the Space Jockies it seems like that might have been a normal ordeal, so maybe an "xeno" is already on board? Anyways the plot ensues yodda yodda etc. And that's the crash-site that the Nostromo rolls up on?

Just a thought.

It's doing very well. There is a lot of internet hate. But that's ALWAYS there. I don't think it has the universal appeal of say, Avengers, but there are plenty of people who loved it or liked it. It's just that usually the people who really like something are less inclined to post over and over about it. I think a lot of people just delight in talking about how much they dislike something. It seems to be a thing human beings like to do.

You just won the internet.