Hey guys,
Sorry i havent had time to give you an update, I've had so little time to myself of late is frightening.
I have been on, and kept myself up to date best as i can, but i am aware that my update schedule has slipped greatly...
I am waiting on a shipping confirm from Glenn on VaderAl's lot, once i get it, i shall forward it out.
Ultraanimator's lot is on the bench being constructed, as are the others (list of names escapes me right now)
Glenn has been working hard on a new type of lighting rig for the belt boxes and chest along with constant refinement and re-tooling of parts to match the screen used suit/props.
Keep your chins up lads, things are coming together. Its just taking time to get there
I have to ask all of you who are waiting on work to please sound off in here with what you are waiting on, please dont PM me as I get very little time to check PM's. I am compiling my own checklist of people so i can mark off who's has been shipped and who's waiting so i can get a 100% clear record of current progress. I have a feeling i've asked this before, but with a half-dozen computer wipes i cant find a list, so i am asking again.
P.S. To answer Abake's question, Glenn's Vader's are quite frankly miniature versions of the screen used suit, built from reference materials collected over the years of building a full scale screen accurate Vader suit. Sideshows ANH Vader, while nice, is no where near accurate in either design or scale. As for the new deluxe version, i haven't seen enough up-close shots of it to do an comparison.