Super Freak
I'm not an accuracy nut. I want a nice head sculpt that looks like the actor and the clothes he wore in the movie. I'm not counting hairs or the length between the eyes or the jacket is a slightly lighter shade of brown than the real thing. You can't tell me that having a heated discussion, sometimes lasting several pages, over the color and length of a figures coat feels good. Its obsession and it isn't healthy.

Agree.. i mean.. given a choice if i want a 75% or a 90% then yes the latter please.
However, my standard is if it looks like the character from what i can tell... its fine. If not I wont buy.
I don't need to watch the movie another 5 times, and compare screen caps to the thing to make sure its exactly the same.
I'm happy we get such high quality collectables of characters i like. People that nitpick every little detail suck the fun outta the hobby. These are also the people that give collectors in this hobby a bad name, 40 Year Old Virgin and all.
But whos worse? The super nitpickers or their followers? Not naming people out, but when its Terminators or Batman or whatever.. everytime something is released... its always.. what does ___ have to say? what does _____ think of it. If he likes it then its good enough for me to safely say i like it too. Its so pathetic. Form your own opinions !!!