Hot Toys - MMS 189 - SSC Ex The Avengers: Agent Phil Coulson (Specs and Pics)

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I always thought the idea of Coulson being Vision was pretty damn ridiculous honestly....they should just stick to the comics and have Ulton create Vision....if they ever go that far haha. Joss keeps his killed characters dead anyway.
...Joss keeps his killed characters dead anyway.

Only if he died in the first place, which is not clear from either the film or the "Item 47" short. Hitler will be happy he won't have to wait for Avengers 2 to find out how Coulson survives :')

Coulson ain't dead. If they're bringing back Bucky in Winter Soldier, there's just no way Coulson is going away. Put it out of your minds!
But Bucky actually came back in the comics :dunno

Examine this closely:


You think SLJ would let Bucky strike a pose in front of him?
I would say that Ryan Gosling is retarded in response… but I just can't. Just for Dead Man's Bones alone he's awesome in my book.
Examine this closely:


You think SLJ would let Bucky strike a pose in front of him?

Ok? :dunno I'm not saying that Coulson isn't coming back,I'm just saying comparing Coulson to Bucky is a bad example is all...I hope he does return.
Coulson ain't dead. If they're bringing back Bucky in Winter Soldier, there's just no way Coulson is going away. Put it out of your minds!

I keep pointing Bucky out as an example of a non-super-powered, normal human who comes back from certain death, in a far less likely scenario than Coulson surviving.
I keep pointing Bucky out as an example of a non-super-powered, normal human who comes back from certain death, in a far less likely scenario than Coulson surviving.

You're argument is invalid because Bucky sucks, Coulson rules. :lecture
I don't think I’ve heard a definite statement that he was dead, so I look for him to pop up again sooner or later if the Marvel movies continue that surround Ironman, Captain America, or SHIELD.

Even so, as for the actor, they could have him doing training videos for the coming SHIELD movie (if I heard right), as LMDs for dangerous missions, or Flash back scenes. I think it would be a mistake to really kill him off, most everyone; in my opinion thinks he’s great. I know I do.
I do have to ask, why isn't Hot Toys giving us a holster for Coulson's pistol?

I don't think Federal Agents walk around with their pistols tucked in their pants.
I keep pointing Bucky out as an example of a non-super-powered, normal human who comes back from certain death, in a far less likely scenario than Coulson surviving.

As i recall, there was a firestorm of hate when Bucky was revived, not least because it cheapened his death. And fans have limited tolerance for the incessant use of this tactic.

AFAIK Coulson is not a character in the comics, so a revival would be not very damaging to canon. Wpuld SHIELD be willing to let such a useful agent go? Would Fury respect him enough to let dead stay dead? I could easily see both answers being, No.
Oh yeah, I kinda went into Ahab mode on the whale. I had too many windows up. What a Moby-****! :rotfl

You rule as well!:hi5:

:horror how rude...I was just trying to have a descent conversation with you and you go and insult me well since we're having a play on names I think your a giant" ****" FRANK. :wink1: