I dont think she was extremely popular to begin with. When i say this, i mean worldwide. The only way youd know of her is if you played mgs3. She was never in a movie, tv show, or in any mainstream comics. Nobody would know about her otherwise. I see why noone cared and it didnt sell. Everyone knows snake, additionally they thing snake and bb are the same person. They see him in multiple games so he gets mega exposure. Not to mention theres youtubes on him, figures, comics, and a movie in progress. Its not because of the reasons us nitpickers wouldnt get her, shes virtually unknown, shadowed by the snakes. Most people got her to go with naked snake (like me). This is how she got the little bit of light she got. Shes not made sexy like the other superhero sluts so there wasnt the "i buy hot dolls" people to fawn over her either.
sent from a tormented past