I’m writing this to tell you to relax. Seriously, breathe, and stop wanting to hate this movie before you even give it a chance. This film does not have the hyper-violence of the original, nor the comedic quotability of the Verheoven classic. It won’t replace the 1989 film, and GUESS WHAT: It doesn’t try to. It’s a new interpretation of the character that is faithful to the essence of what the original concept of the character was.
This “reboot” (and I really hate to label this as such) is a sophisticated take on the story of Alex Murphy. What GORE this movie lacks in it’s PG13-Rating, it more than compensates in substance over style. This is a much, much more psychological version in which emotional acting and intelligent writing takes priority over realistically brutal executions.
Read more at https://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/notyetamovie/news/?a=87365#bvdAtom8s7yjViV6.99
"1989 film."

"The original was all about brutal executions over intelligent writing."