Mr. EcKo
OG Freak
Good Job Peeeetah
Why would you release something like this:
Why would you release something like this:
I never understood why not even give it hair or a beard. They could even hide the face sculpt more with some facial hair.
Those people must have been high when they made this
Why would you release something like this:
That's the tactical variant. Each eye allows him to focus in a different direction which gives him a better view of his surroundings and possible "zombie" dangers.
I never understood why not even give it hair or a beard. They could even hide the face sculpt more with some facial hair.
Those people must have been high when they made this
The toy company probably didnt want to go through the act and cost of getting likeness rights for Pitt - - I dont know why they chose THAT bad of a sculpt, but that is at least why it doesnt look more like him
LOL @ Marty Feldman!