thanks a lot Spidey
Never Drink and Mod

that's gotta be the number one rule...when I mentioned having a Jim Beam I merely meant to wet the pallet

not to get obliterated!!
Although more than likely I will be the first one to **** it up!

sods law eh....lol
I dare you to do it drunk Jedi....prove Spidey wrong

Just remember not to glue yourself to the statue
Dude I dont even drink anymore on occassion and not even as a joke would I dare something like that. He's too special to me.
I suppose worse case scenario you could just by a regular and use that body...you wouldn't necessarily need another EX...which reminds me, I must order me a reg just incase
No bro I mean I wouldn't be getting a replacement Reg either. I wouldve exhausted any chance if I ruined him. She loves this beast almost as much as I do
I bet you I am more OCD than both you guys put together

whats the worse OCD thing you've ever done? Mine has to be spending 3 hours just futzing and posing figure

that is no word of a lie! 3 hours straight! No toilet breaks, no food or drink...just hardcore posing and futzing to get the desired look that I had in my head...
Id have to think on that one lol
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