Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Okay that actually does make me feel a little more assured. And you make a good point about someone wanting one like how you have it over another. However my Batman isnt bad at all. It's like Roberto said, it's my OCD. I am known to not leave well-enough alone. If I had gotten some of the pit problems others had then I Definitely would've done it the same weekend I saw the video for the first time. However thank you for that bit on tye fabric tac. I may one day try it. When the wife isnt around and surprise her with a better Batman lol

Sent from the Bat Computer

Yeah I get you there I am OCD too about my stuff. You do whatever is right for you, but if you decide to fix it make sure to post picture of your accomplishment.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Yeah I get you there I am OCD too about my stuff. You do whatever is right for you, but if you decide to fix it make sure to post picture of your accomplishment.

Thanks man. Yeah you better believe I will :) if or when I do it lol

Sent from the Bat Computer
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF



God I love the movement going on with this cape!!! It floors me everytime :thud:



Thought this might help some of the fence sitters :wink1:

Get on it Fellow Freaks!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

CURSES!!!!! My Reg has been pushed back to the end of annoyed i didn't get any freakin email! I've been hanging so bad..... Dammit SSC you suck sometimes!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

urgh! Mr. Green shaking in his socks every time someone post a pic of the bad armpit. Mr. Green went to look at his fixed bat armpit to feel better.

anyway, anyone noticed his upper right leg? after his short end and his right leg start is where Mr. Green talking about. Mr. Green thinks the batman got crab leg. like his right knee and most of his leg's thickness match his left but the connection to the pelvis is way thin.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Someone is BOUND to be the first to TOTALLY **** IT UP.... At this point my money would be on a DRUNK AS **** Roberto. However, Jedi if youWIFE is saying don't touch.... Well happy wife and all that.

:horror :horror thanks a lot Spidey :lecture :thwak

Never Drink and Mod :lecture that's gotta be the number one rule...when I mentioned having a Jim Beam I merely meant to wet the pallet :lol not to get obliterated!! :lol :lol

Although more than likely I will be the first one to **** it up! :exactly: sods law

Oh man I would never even attempt that drunk. However it may give me the courage needed lol

Sent from the Bat Computer

I dare you to do it drunk Jedi....prove Spidey wrong :rock :lol Just remember not to glue yourself to the statue :lol :lol

Lol yeah mine said as much too. Smart ladies. Dude if I did and I effed it like that, I couldnt think of a worse punishment. I wouldnt be able to get another EX. Im not down to pay the after market price and im sure the wife wouldn't let me if I wanted to. Cause she'd say its my own damn fault, Especially after she asked me not to lmao

Sent from the Bat Computer

I suppose worse case scenario you could just by a regular and use that wouldn't necessarily need another EX...which reminds me, I must order me a reg just incase :lol

My wife doesn't want to try any of the stuff I show her in vids either ;)

:lol :lol sad but true Kris...god knows how hard I tried too :(

Okay that actually does make me feel a little more assured. And you make a good point about someone wanting one like how you have it over another. However my Batman isnt bad at all. It's like Roberto said, it's my OCD. I am known to not leave well-enough alone. If I had gotten some of the pit problems others had then I Definitely would've done it the same weekend I saw the video for the first time. However thank you for that bit on tye fabric tac. I may one day try it. When the wife isnt around and surprise her with a better Batman lol
Sent from the Bat Computer

Yeah I get you there I am OCD too about my stuff. You do whatever is right for you, but if you decide to fix it make sure to post picture of your accomplishment.

I bet you I am more OCD than both you guys put together :lol :lol whats the worse OCD thing you've ever done? Mine has to be spending 3 hours just futzing and posing figure :horror that is no word of a lie! 3 hours straight! No toilet breaks, no food or drink...just hardcore posing and futzing to get the desired look that I had in my head...:gah: :gah:

incedently, I sold that figure about a week later...that's 3 hours of my life i'll never get back now :lol :lol
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I bet you I am more OCD than both you guys put together :lol :lol whats the worse OCD thing you've ever done? Mine has to be spending 3 hours just futzing and posing figure :horror that is no word of a lie! 3 hours straight! No toilet breaks, no food or drink...just hardcore posing and futzing to get the desired look that I had in my head...:gah: :gah:

incedently, I sold that figure about a week later...that's 3 hours of my life i'll never get back now :lol :lol

I spent a good chunk of an entire weekend futzing with Doom's hood.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I spent a good chunk of an entire weekend futzing with Doom's hood.

:horror :horror that's pretty OCD Kris....but did you eat or drink? :lol My futzing was non stop for 3 hours...on an empty stomach...and my mouth was dry...terrible futzing conditions but still I never gave in! :medic
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Finally got it last night. Opened up everything and was extremely pleased until I got to the second head sculpt.


Anyone here have this happen and do you think Sideshow will replace it? Seems like for $400 they should.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

No it's a legitimate cut in the paint application
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

No it's a legitimate cut in the paint application

looks like a repaint is needed. Yes, its an easy enough fix if you can find the right person to do it...and at the right price. First and foremost, you need to ask Sideshow for a replacement...if that fails, you've probably got 2 ways to go. Either accept their partial refund of $40 and get it repainted or send the whole thing back for a full refund and order it from Sideshow again or from somewhere else
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

when will the reg release? March? where 's my Batman SS?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

No it's a legitimate cut in the paint application

Send pics to Sideshow. They'll probably put you on a head replacement waitlist.

While you wait, you could try fixing it yourself. Hey, if it looks like crap, you know that you have a replacement head coming.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

:horror :horror that's pretty OCD Kris....but did you eat or drink? :lol My futzing was non stop for 3 hours...on an empty stomach...and my mouth was dry...terrible futzing conditions but still I never gave in! :medic

I did it with alligators nipping at my feet...terrible, terrible conditions!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I did it with alligators nipping at my feet...terrible, terrible conditions!

:lol :lol well that's a different story...I think you win hands down Kris. By the way, will be posting on my thread tomorrow, a pic of the custom alternate head that I've ordered for the Bats PF...this is now adding more pressure to the fact that I'm gonna be fixing the arm pits this weekend :panic: if I only I had your surgeon like hands to calm me down :lol