Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece 1/6 Mandarin Figure

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One of HT's finest.

If a more popular character was executed at this level, Freaks would go banana's .....

I think many people love this figure (me included), but decided not to get it (me included). And I think we can partly blame Hot Toys for it, them and their numerous faux pas.

Certainly the way the Mandarin was characterized in the film didn't help (I thought the follow-up One Shot short would boost its sales, but no), but if HT didn't cannibalize their own market this figure would have sold better. IMO Mandarin can be compared to Jor-El. Great headsculpt (though soft) and all, first licensed high-end detailed likeness of a well known actor. BUt why are these very good figure now being sold for as low as $140 nowadays, and still those for sale ads take days to get a response? It's because HT's churning out new releases like clockwork while raising the prices, and not all collectors are so rich they can afford to buy them all. HT took 2 years to fill the slots MMS 152 (Reeve) to MMS 200 (Cavill), but MMS 201 to MMS 240+ got filled out in 8 or 9 months.

Not only is HT is trying to keep up with the influx of popular franchises in Hollywood, they're also trying to make multiples from each franchise. I noticed that collectors lately have reluctantly passed on some figures based on the supporting cast so they could get the main guy/s. How many Tony Stark variants are there from IM3? How many armors? Then there's also an armor that's basically a repaint, but is made an EX and we all know that Iron Man+EX= Gold, pun intended.

Apart from cannibalizing, HT also suffered from their past delays (which I think they're working on right now). If their ASM figure was released on time instead of just months away before ASM 2 happened, that figure could have sold better despite the number of flack it got from fans.

This figure, as well as Jor-El, can be like Two-Face years from now. Chances of getting remade is almost zero, and people (particularly new collectors) might be on the lookout for them.
Just grabbed this figure on the bay new in box @ 159 shipped! I passed on this because of the way he was portrayed in the film but this is one of ht best head sculpts to date. And I have almost every figure released from this line so far, instant grab
Thanks.. Guess this was my may figure.. Lol

Doesn't matter *when* you got it.
Just that you *did* get it. Many people just ignored this one, and they will regret it eventually.
It's like the Red Skull, a kind of peripheral bad guy, who turned out to be an incredible product from HT.
Congrats on the score.
I managed to get mine kind of for free through a trade of custom pieces, but i still love it, and he has a shelf all to himself.
Trying to keep my addiction to one figure a month.. Red snapper in June, mk 42 July. Mk17 August etc...

Makes perfect sense.
My main love is always making custom figures of my own design, so i tend to buy more parts than anything else.
But on occasion, a new figure will jump out at me and i will have to have it.
I think Golden Age Cap might be next. And Snake Plisskin won't be far behind.
That's a really good price. I'll buy one if I can find it for $150 shipped, :clap.

There's a seller in the For Sale forum with one that "includes set of Foo Dogs, AK-47 and custom weathered blue Rescue Cap helmet" for 140, plus shipping and paypal fees. Hoping someone else grabs it to reduce my own temptation...
^^^ Excellent deal. I have no villains in my IM collection and I'm not gonna tempt myself to get Monger or Whiplash, lol.
People want the new stuff and either need $$ or room, haha. Then there are probably discounts on certain retailers where you can get new ones very cheap, almost around that price.
I spotted another Mandarin going for $160 in the FS section. Why are the prices so low? I thought everybody loved this figure :thud:

Some good deals to be had right now
I think collectors in general respect this figure for being so well done, but in terms of actually wanting it on the shelf, I reckon that's a more limited group mostly of the hardest core Iron Man collectors.

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