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Apoc is in the house :rock





Nice. Seen the Conan the other day at the comic store, was surprised at how tall it was. Cool to see Apoc pretty much match that.

I dig his design, just wish I actually knew more about him to justify the chedda.
I don't have issues with batman. I just think it is silly to comparr professional pics to lousy iphone pics taken in subpar conditions.

Bro, the Galaxy note 2 Camera isn't anywhere close to the quality of the iphone. I wish I had an iphone quality And its true, the lighting in my apartment has got to be the worst on this planet. I mean its really that bad. That's why I was telling gorocket to not get overworked because it is a great paint job, I just prefer Apoc to have richer and more vibrant hues.
Anyone who expects production to match proto is either new or should start another hobby.
If it turns out crap that's a different thing all together.

I call BS a thousand times on that comment. All you have to do is look at other company paint jobs to see that production and proto can match up. And I don't care about how much this costs compared to that. The bottom line is it can and has and will be done in the future.

Examples: Gentle Giant Honey Trap and Sucker Punch statues
XM Studios Captain America
OH...and gasp....some of SS's early statues.

With that being said, this is still an awesome statue and a well done neat paint job. It just needs to be richer in color.....that doesn't mean a different or lighter or darker color so much. Its like you can tell a one coated paint job on a wall as opposed to a couple coats of paint. It feels and looks fuller. That is what I mean about this Apoc. I don't know what others who are complaining about mean.
For real! Plus i HATE that shopping and going walking around crap..omg no thank you!

A few years of "hurry up, it's just a shirt, buy it or don't" at Macy's and I stopped getting dragged around :)

Still, my problem of presenting apocalypse is not solved. Actually the piece itself won't be a problem, though she won't be pleased at the cost. She'll love the statue, I'm sure. Her real problem will be, oddly enough, the space the box takes up in the closet. I have requisitioned 3/4 of the largest downstairs closet which is jammed with nothing but my toy and statue boxes. She's already pretty pissed about that, and this box is going to add some serious encroachment.
A few years of "hurry up, it's just a shirt, buy it or don't" at Macy's and I stopped getting dragged around :)

Still, my problem of presenting apocalypse is not solved. Actually the piece itself won't be a problem, though she won't be pleased at the cost. She'll love the statue, I'm sure. Her real problem will be, oddly enough, the space the box takes up in the closet. I have requisitioned 3/4 of the largest downstairs closet which is jammed with nothing but my toy and statue boxes. She's already pretty pissed about that, and this box is going to add some serious encroachment.

If you have a lot of money, maybe pay for a storage locker? $100 a month max probably. Or maybe store at a family members house?

Cost wise is simple. Explain in like I do. "I've been paying this off for a long time and couldn't just stop or I'd lose the money"
If you have a lot of money, maybe pay for a storage locker? $100 a month max probably. Or maybe store at a family members house?

Cost wise is simple. Explain in like I do. "I've been paying this off for a long time and couldn't just stop or I'd lose the money"

lmao, i go with, "no I've been had this on order" "paid for a longggg time ago" :)
Apoc is in the house :rock





Frickin Awesome. Colors and tones look great in your pics. Cant wait until tomorrow. I am gonna take a butt load of pics. :)
I personally like SS color choices. I prefer the toned down hues as opposed to Bowen. But I can see the value in both.
I can't wait for this piece…it really looks how i pictured apoc and how i remember him from comics/animated series…the color scheme to me works lovely and i honestly think it came out great…maybe better qc or at least on par w the nathan drake pf, which everyone seems to have gotten a flawless piece. (relatively)
Anyone else's left arm doesn't fit very well in the socket ? I mean like it's really loose. I have to arrange the wires connecting his arm to his back in a certain way otherwise the wires kinda pull it out of the socket and let's a little space between the junction of the bicep and forearm :/
Mamba and Jedi pics look great guys. Thand for posting. The high res pics look awesome. Super excited for mine as well

On a seperate note I literally just read 5 pages of Rulk crying and complaining. You have got to be the most annoying mother ****er I have ever seen post on this forum. Why the hell are you here if all your going to do it complain? Your a complete douche. I hope the ban hammer hits you in the face.
2100 for a pro paint job? Your on Crack dude. GTFO of here with your whiny ass

Nice tough guy routine say that to my face. Reading comprehension fail I'm not charging $2100 for a repaint. That's someone's salary. Was I even talking to you? Please tell me u'll be at comic con. U can complain about the crackhead prices.
A few years of "hurry up, it's just a shirt, buy it or don't" at Macy's and I stopped getting dragged around :)

Still, my problem of presenting apocalypse is not solved. Actually the piece itself won't be a problem, though she won't be pleased at the cost. She'll love the statue, I'm sure. Her real problem will be, oddly enough, the space the box takes up in the closet. I have requisitioned 3/4 of the largest downstairs closet which is jammed with nothing but my toy and statue boxes. She's already pretty pissed about that, and this box is going to add some serious encroachment.

If the piece is properly budgeted for and you're spending your money on it then why is the cost an issue? I spend my own money on collectibles I'm interested in and my boyfriend spends his own money on collectibles he's interested in. I guess I'm one weird gal who thinks that one can do whatever they want with their money if after it's spent they can still support themselves financially.

And dragging significant others clothes shopping is the worst thing ever, ha! When I go shopping my boyfriend stays at home. I would never subject him to the mall and such unless he really wanted to tag along (which most of the time he doesn't, ha!).
