Freaktacular 2017

Collector Freaks Forum

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Something Sexy

Super Freak
Feb 7, 2009
Reaction score
Gibson Baby
Freaktacular 2015

ActiveGiverContestPrizeEnd DateWinner
ActiveGolden_BoyPumpkin carving/decorating contestTrick'r Treat Blu-ray, and the prequel graphic novel, Trick'r Treat: Days of the Dead!Oct. 31st at 11:59pm-
ActivegreygooseCreate a new Horror Movie IconAmazon Email VoucherFriday 30th October 23:59 GMT-
ActiveCallMeTheDoctor, mrdbiosMake a drawing of any artistic format of a movie or scene that scared and maybe scarred you as a young kid.FigsEnd at 11:59 p.m central time on 10/31-
Activepunkg42Make a macaroni picture with macaroni and glue-Ends Oct 31 at midnight-
ActiveShawpawShare a creepy, spooky story that you or someone you know has personally observed or wintessed. Limited to 100 words or less. The winner will be drawn at random.Star Wars First Order Stormtrooper mugContest ends sometime before 10/31/2015-
ActiveShawpawPost a funny Halloween themed meme or post a picture of action figures in funny displays.Custom tmnt Michelangelo figure10/31/2015-
FinishedSomething SexyPM the first named character that dies in TWD Season 6 premiere.2015 Collection Stash Buttons-GeneralZodLives
FinishedmrdbiosGuess how many Lego pieces/bricks mrdbios had on displayRocket Raccoon Pop Vinyl figure-RavenEye
FinishedSomething SexyGuess what comic I bought.2015 Collection Stash Buttons-mrdbios
FinishedCallMeTheDoctorGuess how many blu rays CallMeTheDoctor owns2015 Collection Stash Buttons10/15/15 @ 6pm centralDarth Snoopy
FinishedDarth MaddenGuess the post count contest#2 pick of prize pack-GeneralZodLives
FinishedGeneralZodLivesMy Least Favorite Halloween CandyPredator Funko-Centurion
FinishedGeneralZodLivesFavorite Alien MomentAlien Funko & SDCC Alien Minimate-Kenbenobi
FinishedGeneralZodLivesPredator HaikuPredator Funko , Predator Funko & Predator bottle opener-greygoose, Golden_Boy
FinishedGeneralZodLivesSleep is for the Weak #1Thanos Funko- Veil1
FinishedSomething SexyTWDS06E02 Death Guess Contest2015 Collection Stash Button Set-Centurion, Shawpaw, XDUCKETTX, punkg42, Golden_Boy
FinishedmrdbiosPick which movie scared me the most as a kid (it was Poltergeist)Funko Pop Groot figure-Natalie Rushman
Finishedpunkg42As of this post, How many PS3 Games do I currently own?2015 Spook Punk Prize and small Sam print-CallMeTheDoctor
FinishedGeneralZodLivesGuess Favorite COTD CharacterCOTD Comic, Pin, and SS gift card-ink
FinishedGeneralZodLivesMost Wanted Spook DiscountMystery Box #2-Kamikaze
FinishedGeneralZodLivesSurprise Wheel SpinMystery Box #3-Josh-A-Tron
FinishedDarth Madden"Answer the questions"#1 and #3 (winner and runner up) picks of prize packs-Golden Boy, mrdbius
FinishedKenbenobiGuess the number of BD/DVD/HD-DVD according to my phone appFriday the 13th Blu-ray-Galahad
FinishedKenbenobiGuess two musicals I have been inFriday the 13th Part III blu-ray-Punkg42
FinishedPatriot666How many steelbooks are in my blu ray collection.POP Pumpkin King!-LaMelnik
FinishedKamikazeSite scavenger hunt (movies)General Zod's super mystery box-Centurion
FinishedGeneralZodLivesBroken Collectible StoryMystery Box #4-mrdbios
FinishedGeneralZodLivesFavorite Childhood CostumeMystery Box #5-Natalie Rushman
FinishedGeneralZodLivesFavorite Childhood Costume PictureDeadpool Mondo Print-Vander
FinishedGeneralZodLivesFirst Item Up For Preorder for SpookMystery Box #6-jimcap
FinishedGeneralZodLivesNewest Sideshow CollectibleMystery Box #7-Vander
FinishedGeneralZodLivesHow Many Lego Sets Did I Buy This MonthMystery Box #8-daikkenaurora
FinishedGeneralZodLivesWhich Lego Sets Did I Buy This MonthMystery Box #9-Patriot666
Finishedpunkg42Guess the shirt I'm wearing todayPunk Prize skull and Sam Print-HAPPYBOY
Finishedpunkg42Guess the first SSC statue I bought in display casePunk Prize skull and Sam Print-Avfin
FinishedKenbenobiFirst Broadway show I saw (Phantom of the Opera)Subspecies Blu-ray-GeneralZodLives

Winner Count

  • mrdbios - 3
  • Centurion - 3
  • Golden_Boy - 3
  • GeneralZodLives - 3
  • punkg42 - 2
  • Natalie Rushman - 2
  • Vander - 2
  • RavenEye - 1
  • Darth Snoopy - 1
  • Kenbenobi - 1
  • greygoose - 1
  • Veil1 - 1
  • Shawpaw - 1
  • ink - 1
  • Kamikaze - 1
  • Josh-A-Tron - 1
  • CallMeTheDoctor - 1
  • Galahad - 1
  • LaMelnik - 1
  • jimcap - 1
  • daikkenaurora - 1
  • Patriot666 - 1
  • HAPPYBOY - 1
  • Avfin - 1

Freaktacular 2014

Via web:
Via standalone IRC client:

Room/Channel: #SSF

Freak contest permaban
  • huskie


ActiveGiverContestPrizeEnd DateWinner
ActiveJediSwordEvery day starting tomorrow (24th) I will leave 1 clue. The first clue will be in the Spook thread the rest will NOT be in the Spook thread. I will give you 7 clues in total. You must guess the correct answer; a single word. On the 31st the 11th, 12th and 13th person after 4:15 am EST to PM me the correct answer wins their choice of Blu Ray (you can send a maximum of 2 PMs per person). 3 prizes. First, second, and third. The Last Starfighter, Predator, 5th element, and Rise of the Planet of the Apes on Blu Ray.The first place winner gets their choice of 2 movies. 2nd and 3rd get one each.October 31st-
ActiveBoba BenBoba Ben's Creative Writing Contest12" vinyl Godzilla 1989 figure by X-PlusMonday the 27th at 7:00 AM central time-
ActiveSurlyJOngoing question contestMystery--
FinishedKamikazeImage contest2014 Mort PatchWinners will be:
1) First person with all answers correct
2) Random drawing from all other fully correct answers
Josh-A-Tron and Granite_Grizz
FinishedSomethingSexyPrevious button was stolenSet of Collection Stash 2014 Spook Buttons-ZaCHw117
Finishedfurystorm20,000th post contestA stack of books, and some other items-mrdbios
FinishedGeneralZodLivesGuess how many PO's GeneralZodLives had from Sideshow contestSpooktacular 2014 Coffee Mug-JediSword and Darth Madden
FinishedGeneralZodLivesVeil making awesome avatars and signaturesSpooktacular 2014 Coffee Mug-Veil
FinishedDarth MaddenMovie quote contestWalking Dead Season 4 Blu-ray Steelbook-ZaCHw117
FinishedSomethingSexyOctober/Halloween movie list guessSet of 4 Collection Stash 2014 Spook Buttons-Y4NK33 PL4N3T
On holdCallMeTheDoctorWhat weapon would you make to defend yourself against the zombie outbreak?Choice of game guideOctober 18th at 10 A.M. central time-
FinishedSomething SexyGuess Something Sexy's favorite football team.Set of 4 Collection Stash 2014 Spook ButtonsOctober 17thJosh-A-Tron, furystorm
FinishedKing DarknessThree part guessing game Jason vs Freddy Jason premium format-Darth Waller
Finishedpunkg42Three part guessing gameMort Plush-Boba Ben
Finishedpunkg42Did something in chatMort Plush-Kamikaze
FinishedaveragejoFind the prize cluesKaneFacehugger bust-GeneralZodLives
FinishedaveragejoQuote meChestburster bust-Golden_Boy
FinishedKenbenobiFunko Guessing ContestAlien Funko Pop!-CallMeTheDoctor
FinishedSomething SexyGuess what I am watchingSet of 4 Spook buttons-Golden_Boy
FinishedZaCHw117How many views does my collection thread have?10$ googleplay code-Y4NK33 PL4N3T
FinishedSomething SexyHelping find defects in Collection Stash! :)Set of 4 Collection Stash 2014 Spook Buttons-punkg42
FinishedmrdbiosGuess what character cake I was making for my sonWeta LOTR New Zealand as Middle Earth map/poster-averagejo
FinishedSomethingSexy20,000 post contestSet of 4 Collection Stash 2014 Spook Buttons-mrdbios
FinishedSurlyJfigure out from clues what I'm giving awayFinal Fantasy Trading Arts Mini Sephiroth figure-Golden_Boy
FinishedKing Darkness-Friday the 13th Keychain-furystorm
FinishedDarth MaddenGuess what the post count will be at 6:00 pm on FridaySet of 3 Star Wars PostersGuessing is over but winner won't be announced until 10/24GeneralZodLives
FinishedCallMeTheDoctorGuess how many blu-rays I ownPop! Glow in the Dark Batman. -Y4NK33 PL4N3T
FinishedGeneralZodLivesI’ll post 9 questions in the Spook thread and my Show Your Shelves thread by 9pm Central Time Saturday, October 25th. I’ll request one specific post as the final requirement for entry in the Spook thread at that time. The first 3 people to PM me the correct answers to all the questions AFTER completing the requested post will be in the random drawing for the figure.Hot Toys Shadow Predator figureOctober 25thGolden_Boy
FinishedDarth WallerFriday the 13th triviaorange Sideshow Spook mug-GeneralZodLives
FinishedDarth WallerFriday the 13th triviaBlue Sideshow Spook mug-XDUCKETTX
CancelledfurystormFirst person to convince three (3) different premium members to post this exact phrase as reputation to me wins.

"YOUR USER NAME, furystorm is my god"

If you are a premium member, and want the mug, you can obviously post for yourself, but will need two additional premium members to post on your behalf as well.
Be sure they post your user name, so I know who the person is "voting" for.
Orange Spooktacular Mug shipped free to CONUSFirst to complete-
FinishedSurlyJRiddle ContestRandom set of blu-rays-Veil1, Granite_Grizz
FinishedKamikazChat room:Guess what Mort is dressed as this yearMort Patch-GeneralZodLives
FinishedZaCHw117TriviaX-Men: DOFP iTunes/UV cod-mrdbios
FinishedGolden_BoyRandom personal questions8" Animated Trick'r Treat Sam Doll-GeneralZodLives
FinishedKing DarknessGuess what piece in my collection I have a tattoo of?Bowen Mephisto bust.-Y4NK33 PL4N3T
FinishedKineticGive the title of a horror movie for each letter of his name$15 Amazon card-GeneralZodLives
FinishedSomething SexyCollection Stash contest2014 Spook buttons -GeneralZodLives
FinishedSomething SexyCollection Stash contest2014 Spook buttons -Darth Madden, stageman12
FinishedmrdbiosParticipants needed to guess my favorite color and how far I've walked this past year.Avengers poster-XDuckettX
FinishedSomething SexyCollection Stash contest2014 Spook buttons -Granite_Grizz
FinishedSomething SexyCollection Stash contest2014 Spook buttons -Masked
FinishedKamikazeChat contestMort patch-Avfin
FinishedKamikazeChat contestMort patch-Kenbenobi
Finished Collectorcolguessing my latest purchase$20 PayPal Gift-GeneralZodLives
FinishedVanderGuess avatarsSpook Kit-CallMeTheDoctor
FinishedUTtoyfanSome crazy contest 7 mystery prizesMain contest starts on Oct 28th 10 pm CentralY4NK33 PL4N3T
FinishedUTtoyfanSome crazy contestSSC Imperial Probe Droid 1/6th action figureMain contest starts on Oct 28th 10 pm CentralDarth Snoopy
FinishedUTtoyfanSome crazy contestSSC 1/6 Deadpool preorderMain contest starts on Oct 28th 10 pm CentralSomething Sexy
FinishedUTtoyfanSome crazy contest-Main contest starts on Oct 28th 10 pm Centraljedimindtrick77
FinishedDarth MaddenMulti-question, cross board contestGentle Giant Luke Skywalker Snowspeeder Pilot PGM EXCLUSIVE Deluxe Mini Bust 462/480 or Sideshow 2011 San Diego Comic-Con exclusive AVP Predator Mask Set7:00 and 8:00 PM Pacific Time on Tuesday 10/28 1st Prize Predator Busts GeneralZodLives
2nd Prize Luke Bust Y4NK33 PL4N3T
3rd Prize Watch/SDCC Program jedimindtrick77
FinishedKenbenobiGuess my 1st PF contest$25 Google Play gift card-Darth Madden
FinishedSurlyJ-Marvel Universe Thanos-ink
FinishedSomething SexyPin the red dot on the class 2014 photoSet of 4 Collection Stash 2014 Spook Buttons-SurlyJ, JediSword
FinishedGeneralZodLivesRandom post count contestsFunko figures-Golden_Boy, CallMeTheDoctor, Darth Snoopy, and Kamikaze
FinishedVanderPost picture of Vander's previous giveaways.Mort kit-Darth Madden
FinishedKamikazechat room "20 questions" contest,Mort Patch-Xduckettx
FinishedKamikazechat room "20 questions" contest,Mort Patch-Jedisword
FinishedGeneralZodLivesArt ContestThere will be two winners. Each winner will get a Night of the Living Deadpool Mondo print. One print will go to the picture my wife likes the best (she's an art teacher but a little twisted so go nuts). The other print will go into a random drawing so artistic skills will not matterWednesday the 29th at 8pm Central TimeMondo Deadpool prints winners:

punkg42 -- voter's favorite
Madcow -- my wife's favorite

Funko figures:

avfin (Sam)
vander (Sam)
Josh-A-Tron (Jason)
FinishedSomething Sexy, grphyx1Pumpkin carving contest!threeA Toys Supreme NOM Commander White MotherOctober 30th at 11:59pmGeneralZodLives

Winner Count

  • GeneralZodLives - 10
  • Y4NK33 PL4N3T - 6
  • Golden_Boy - 5
  • mrdbios - 3
  • Granite_Grizz - 3
  • ZaCHw117 - 2
  • Kamikaze - 3
  • Veil - 2
  • furystorm - 2
  • Darth Madden - 4
  • Josh-A-Tron - 3
  • JediSword - 3
  • CallMeTheDoctor - 3
  • DarthWaller - 1
  • Boba Ben - 1
  • punkg42 - 2
  • averagejo - 1
  • stageman12 - 1
  • Masked - 1
  • Avfin - 2
  • Kenbenobi - 1
  • Something Sexy - 1
  • Darth Snoopy - 2
  • jedimindtrick77 - 2
  • ink - 1
  • SurlyJ - 1
  • Madcow - 1
  • Vander - 1


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Re: Spooktacular 2014

I'm here! :wave

Hoping for McQaurrie statue reveals, namely Vader. Otherwise...

just comraderie. :D
Re: Spooktacular 2014

I heard they are coming with some sort of court of the dead stuff, i'm cirious to what it is.
Re: Spooktacular 2014

I'm starting a new job here soon, which means more free time for myself and the family....which means Chap may be joining the party this year. :rock
Re: Spooktacular 2014

I'm starting a new job here soon, which means more free time for myself and the family....which means Chap may be joining the party this year. :rock

Long time, Chap!! Yay for Spook!!! I most likely won't be doing any big giveaways this time (maybe one?) since I haven't even finished what I gave out last year! :lol :lol :lol

BUT, I will have a final 15,000 post contest. It will be the contest to end all contests! :rotfl

Of course, at the rate I am posting that will be probably 2 years from now. :lol
Re: Spooktacular 2014

I'm hoping to get the ECC vampire Marcus statue...that'll really have me in the Halloween vibe. Then we have CotD, Pinhead, PCS Werewolf bust. Good times coming for horror fans.
Re: Spooktacular 2014

Never EVER too Early! Come on new 1/6 Jason, Ash, and Beetlejuice!

who is making a 1/6 Beetlejuice? Crazy nobody has made him in 1/6 and 1/4. Classic!

I'm hoping to get the ECC vampire Marcus statue...that'll really have me in the Halloween vibe. Then we have CotD, Pinhead, PCS Werewolf bust. Good times coming for horror fans.

what is the PCS Werewolf?
Re: Spooktacular 2014

Long time, Chap!! Yay for Spook!!! I most likely won't be doing any big giveaways this time (maybe one?) since I haven't even finished what I gave out last year! :lol :lol :lol

BUT, I will have a final 15,000 post contest. It will be the contest to end all contests! :rotfl

Of course, at the rate I am posting that will be probably 2 years from now. :lol

I'm hoping to. I know I miss most of the party every year. Really hoping to be a part of most of it this year. :rock
Re: Spooktacular 2014

I'm ready for a Beetlejuice figure. Maybe a couple other figures from the movie will get made as well.