Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I can't believe you guys:) Rorywan, you have a great collection and some great skills about customizing but sadly you are away of reading comics I guess:) How many of you guys read Superman's death graphic novel:)? It is a mass destruction and not only the story takes place in Metropolis! And why don't anyone find the same stupidness for Avengers? Iron Man destroys the flying snake thing without ever thinking if anyone get hurts! When your enemy is powerful as you are or if it is a alien invasion, you can't run away from destruction besides it is the first days of Clark as Superman so he is so unexperienced! Also who reads Superman: Earth One story? The movie is nearly based on this story and man the alien race nearly destroys the America! These are the movies which are based on comics, remember:)? And do you remember the scene where Batman jumps off from his pent for catching Rachel? They fall from a skyscraper and not die:))) And we call the trilogy of Nolan crap as the most realistic comic-based movie:)? Common...

- Avengers isn't stupid. Better than this DC crap.

- I've read DOS, and Superman tries his DAMNEDEST to keep Doomsday out of metropolis, but Doomsday keeps edging closer and closer going on his killing spree. Superman is even like "yo, Justice League, we gotta try to make sure this thing stays away" but he can't stop him, then he's like "I'll die protecting these people, gotta make sure this thing doesn't kill anyone" and he dies saving everyone, getting punched so hard that all the skyscraper windows burst.

Superman: Dat hero

- Earth One is stupid.

- Batman and Rachel falling onto the taxi HARD and then Rachel joking, "lets not do that again" is stupid.

Man this is the coolest dialog ever written for a movie! In my opinion, no Batman movie will be cooler than Returns! Tim Burton is still the man!

What? Khev and I just made all that up off the top of our heads?
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

- Avengers isn't stupid. Better than this DC crap.

- I've read DOS, and Superman tries his DAMNEDEST to keep Doomsday out of metropolis, but Doomsday keeps edging closer and closer going on his killing spree. Superman is even like "yo, Justice League, we gotta try to make sure this thing stays away" but he can't stop him, then he's like "I'll die protecting these people, gotta make sure this thing doesn't kill anyone" and he dies saving everyone, getting punched so hard that all the skyscraper windows burst.

Superman: Dat hero

- Earth One is stupid.

- Batman and Rachel falling onto the taxi HARD and then Rachel joking, "lets not do that again" is stupid.

What? Khev and I just made all that up off the top of our heads?

First, you know your dialog is based on Batman Returns, so you clearly understand what I meant!
Second you can find Earth One story stupid but that doesn't change the status of number one selling graphic novel at his time!
Third, all the super heroes are very experienced at Avengers but they can still make jokes like Hulk: SMASH! Really?
Believe whatever want to believe, it is a comic movie, just try to enjoy rather than trying to find mistakes!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Whatever man. It's just BS.
We get it, you love MOS, you think it's "hawt". A lot of other people think it's drivel.
Constantly debating why everyone else is wrong takes energy which I'm not willing to waste on MOS.

So sure yeah, everyone else is wrong, the destruction in MOS was completely logical and in keeping with the Superman character.


Look man, I'm not calling you out on your opinion, I no longer challenge people if they think MoS is crap or any other opinion oposite to mine for that matter, not even when they joke about the destruction, all I'm saying is that that claim about Superman destroying the city, as a serious claim, is simply not true.

Also, yeah I love MoS, but I'm not oblivious to it's flaws, I've stated it before.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Heroes don't have to save every solitary life. But they have to try. The Avengers clearly did, Superman didn't.

So, that fighter pilot that was falling from the sky in Smallville doesn't count as a solitary life? Some "star spangled" mod you are.:lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

First, you know your dialog is based on Batman Returns, so you clearly understand what I meant!
Second you can find Earth One story stupid but that doesn't change the status of number one selling graphic novel at his time!
Third, all the super heroes are very experienced at Avengers but they can still make jokes like Hulk: SMASH! Really?
Believe whatever want to believe, it is a comic movie, just try to enjoy rather than trying to find mistakes!

"Hulk . . . (Cap trying to think of an order for Hulk) . . . smash."

Great moment. My audience cheered.

"I dunno, he's kinda hawt." - military girl getting wet after Kal-El acts like a douche.

Ugh, people just died guys! I just watched them get lifted up in the air and smashed into the pavement repeatedly! Kal-El just snapped a guy's neck and cried? Bad shift in tone bro!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So, that fighter pilot that was falling from the sky in Smallville doesn't count as a solitary life? Some "star spangled" mod you are.:lol

So he saved one military pilot. Good. Maybe he should try and save civilians too. (Girls he wants to sleep with don't count.)

"I'm here to bring hope to fighter pilots who are ordered to engage targets I lure to Earth." Doesn't have quite the same ring to it.
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How can a leader give an order like "SMASH"?
It was funny, I agree but if we are talking about seriousness, then the CAPTAIN of the AMERICA should have to say:
Hulk, don't smash, just catch the Aliens and protect the civilians:)!

Ahhh, common guys, why we are waiting this real-life drama from these movies? Superman is clearly trying to save human life but the director doesn't have to show it in every scene repeatedly! Is there a specific scene in Avengers whom one of our heroes are saving a civilian's life? At least Mos has one:)))
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How can a leader give an order like "SMASH"?
It was funny, I agree but if we are talking about seriousness, then the CAPTAIN of the AMERICA should have to say:
Hulk, don't smash, just catch the Aliens and protect the civilians:)!

Ahhh, common guys, why we are waiting this real-life drama from these movies? Superman is clearly trying to save human life but the director doesn't have to show it in every scene repeatedly! Is there a specific scene in Avengers whom one of our heroes are saving a civilian's life? At least Mos has one:)))

Too much to ask... sorry. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

How can a leader give an order like "SMASH"?
It was funny, I agree but if we are talking about seriousness, then the CAPTAIN of the AMERICA should have to say:
Hulk, don't smash, just catch the Aliens and protect the civilians:)!

Ahhh, common guys, why we are waiting this real-life drama from these movies? Superman is clearly trying to save human life but the director doesn't have to show it in every scene repeatedly! Is there a specific scene in Avengers whom one of our heroes are saving a civilian's life? At least Mos has one:)))

Cap saves all those people from the alien grenade inside the building where the Chitauri are holding civilians hostage. Cap also saves the police officers and civilians from attacks. In fact, most if not all the deleted scenes from the climax of Avengers is Captain America saving people in New York. A family in an alley, more people in the buildings, etc.

Also the ending with the broadcasts is very appropriate and solemn. We see people lighting candles for their lost loved ones, the people of New York celebrating/thanking the Avengers. Man of Steel . . . abruptly cuts to Kal-El smashing a satellite to the earth and warning the military not to **** with him and that he doesn't want to be spied on. He then tells them he lived in Kansas for 30 years and he's American as it gets. He flies off and the military chick says "kinda hawt". Ohhhh yeah. Perfect cutaway after the death and destruction. Sets the mood perfectly.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Everytime i come in here I like movies less and less. Is that supposed to happen? :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Rorywan, whatever man. It's just BS.
We get it, you hate MOS, you think it's "shat". A lot of other people think it's great.
Constantly debating why everyone else is wrong takes energy which you' re willing to waste on MOS.
So sure yeah, people do think destruction in MOS was indeed completely logical and in keeping with the Superman character as it was presented in MOS.
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well the last scene of Mos is a good example of showing how paranoiac of the USA government still is! We and them! An alien and we! He saves us but not from us so we have to watch every movement of him! We have to watch everyone! If you are not from us then you are our enemy! Wow, I feel like I am Anakin:)))
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The scene itself is ok but its true that all the aftermath feel very rushed.
Oh and btw Snyder shot scenes showing the evacuation of the city so...