Broke and happy
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Just to clarify I only said "well said" about Superman.
10 year old boy. lol
When Steve Rogers was in the car next to Peggy he looked like he was 6 years old, they shrunk him way too much.
So he was actually about 100 pounds when he went into the chamber, and then gained about 150 pounds and 2 feet or so for the purpose of looking like Cap? Move over, Deniro. You ain't no method actor.
What, you didn't know Chris Evans spent months sculpting his body into that of a 10-year-old boy's?

Just to clarify I only said "well said" about Superman.

10 year old boy. lol
When Steve Rogers was in the car next to Peggy he looked like he was 6 years old, they shrunk him way too much.