Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I've noticed on a couple of movie forums that the tide has turned against MOS. When it first came out a lot of people considered it the best movie ever, so did a few of my friends. Now many sees it for the sloppy writing, shaky cam film that it is. There are a few good action scenes but overall just an ok movie. I've more than supported this film from the start. Bought the novelization, the soundtrack, the figures, and the bluray.

(Spits out drink) WTF? The best Superman movie ever or THE BEST MOVIE EVER? The first claim is highly dubious, the second...I'm at a loss for words.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

(Spits out drink) WTF? The best Superman movie ever or THE BEST MOVIE EVER? The first claim is highly dubious, the second...I'm at a loss for words.

Check out earlier posts on the MOS thread and on bluray forum. People were gushing over this!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

One of my biggest pet peeves in all of cinema is people risking their lives for dogs. I tensed up when Costner ran for the animal and then they still found a way to make the scene get profoundly worse. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

One of my biggest pet peeves in all of cinema is people risking their lives for dogs. I tensed up when Costner ran for the animal and then they still found a way to make the scene get profoundly worse. :lol

For me part of the silliness of the scene is not the 'going back for the dog'. It's the fact they left the dog in the car in the first place. How do you forget that your dog is with you? People can get out of the car all by themselves, only the dog needs assistance so that'd be my first priority. Get the dog, run, no ''going back'' necessary.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

One of my biggest pet peeves in all of cinema is people risking their lives for dogs. I tensed up when Costner ran for the animal and then they still found a way to make the scene get profoundly worse. :lol

They should have just handled MoS like they did Watchmen. Instead of giving him a Goyer script, they should have given him a good comic run stack and said, put this onscreen. Byrne may have been a nice one to emulate, didn't Pa basically just walk out of the field and keel over in the mid sentence? Keep it simple, no dogs and tornados. :lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

One of my biggest pet peeves in all of cinema is people risking their lives for dogs. I tensed up when Costner ran for the animal and then they still found a way to make the scene get profoundly worse. :lol

Potentially sacrificing oneself for a pet is a standard Hollywood cliché. It not only humanizes the subject, it puts a halo on their head.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I have yet to watch that. :slap

Don't waste your time.

For me part of the silliness of the scene is not the 'going back for the dog'. It's the fact they left the dog in the car in the first place. How do you forget that your dog is with you? People can get out of the car all by themselves, only the dog needs assistance so that'd be my first priority. Get the dog, run, no ''going back'' necessary.

Yeah, I'm not sure how you could forget. I guarantee in that moment I would not be doing the same.

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