S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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So, just thought I'd ask so I can decide to wait for a different version of SSJ Vegeta or go ahead and work towards the one out now, or get every version of Vegeta.

What is the most definitive version of Vegeta: Saiyan, Frieza, Cell, Buu, or Majin?
For me, Buu saga Vegeta is definitive, as, like Silrian said, it showed him finally letting go of his ruthless nature and the shedding of the armor was him letting go symbolically.
I scanned the QR code that came with 17, and this is what came up


your guesses are as good as mine lol
That's the website that we found out about the Datong Scouter Vegeta. I've been waiting for it to be listed on eBay, hopefully within a month or two.

Thanks! I'd really appreciate that.

If it's as close to the official version as the Datong SSJ Vegeta is, I'll probably pick one up.

Ok right on. Yeah I bought the SS Vegeta since I can't really fork 200 for the official one. Although I redid the hair and eyebrows. The eyebrows were basically like SS3, non-existint. And I hated the orange. On the face seen in the pic I also whited out the eyes so it has that Vegeta acendant look. I also have the Trunks head I'm workin on.

Nice improvements! And it's nice that Datong Vegeta is so cheap..I'd never do this if I got the regular one for $100-$200+.

For everyone, I looked into Aliexpress and despite it being part of China's "Amazon" aka Ali Baba (which just went on the NY Stock Exchange recently and made the owner a multi-gazillionaire) it's noted for being somewhat unreliable and doesn't allow the sellers the option of using Paypal. I'd personally wait until Datong Scouter Vegeta shows up on eBay like a lot of you all so you can get that Paypal and eBay buyer protection. I've had relatively overall excellent experiences with Chinese sellers, but you never know...
Good job nickshaw2814! I'm sure if you add some shading to the boot tips, then none of us will be even able to tell if it's a bootleg or not. That's the main thing that separates the two.
Nice improvements! And it's nice that Datong Vegeta is so cheap..I'd never do this if I got the regular one for $100-$200+.

For everyone, I looked into Aliexpress and despite it being part of China's "Amazon" aka Ali Baba (which just went on the NY Stock Exchange recently and made the owner a multi-gazillionaire) it's noted for being somewhat unreliable and doesn't allow the sellers the option of using Paypal. I'd personally wait until Datong Scouter Vegeta shows up on eBay like a lot of you all so you can get that Paypal and eBay buyer protection. I've had relatively overall excellent experiences with Chinese sellers, but you never know...

It's very nice. It's made it so I can make my favorite version of Trunks. I'll probably buy a couple of the scouter Vegeta and another SS Vegeta for the body. Would love it if Datong did a version of Trunks and Gohan also since the officials are a bit out of my price range also. Hopefully I can snag Cell and Frieza before their prices get to crazy also. Pulled the trigger on 18 since her price is already $20 or more over the MSRP. Sucks I arrived so late in DBZ figuarts game :(
Unless I'm incorrect, the baby Goku retcon was that he was awake and aware he was being sent off, he was even clad in little Saiyan armor. I think even Bardock and Gine said "Good-bye" to him before he was sent off. While most of the original manga/anime material depicts him asleep, naked and "alone" (or in a psuedo-nursery with other Saiyan babies) when he was shipped off to conquer Earth.

I look at SSJ4 in a similar way you do...that it was an evolutionary form "before" Saiyans became hairless humans and it was still a blend between human (intelligent and "in-control") and the ape (powerful and strong).

That's an interesting retcon. The Superman similarities are becoming stronger and stronger.

Well the most interesting fact about Super Saiyan 4 is that you NEED the tail. That's a huge aspect that I love about the transformation. I feel a Saiyan's tail became less and less relevant in Dragon Ball Z as the series went on. I don't even think Goten or Trunks had one. (We'd have to disregard Bulma's Blutz Wave machine since that was a form of cheating, really.)

Nice improvements! And it's nice that Datong Vegeta is so cheap..I'd never do this if I got the regular one for $100-$200+.

For everyone, I looked into Aliexpress and despite it being part of China's "Amazon" aka Ali Baba (which just went on the NY Stock Exchange recently and made the owner a multi-gazillionaire) it's noted for being somewhat unreliable and doesn't allow the sellers the option of using Paypal. I'd personally wait until Datong Scouter Vegeta shows up on eBay like a lot of you all so you can get that Paypal and eBay buyer protection. I've had relatively overall excellent experiences with Chinese sellers, but you never know...

Yeah, I'm waiting for eBay so I can use PayPal. I was ready to buy three of him when I saw it.
Has anybody bought the Stage 4 Stage Act set? I was able to use the claws but the clamps are unbelievably difficult to use for displaying a figure vertically. The Saint Cloth Display Stage set is amazing though. Everything is very useful and well made.
Would you mind me asking on the the steps and procedure that you did? I've been really thinking of doing that with my Datong Vegeta, as well. Especially the face repaint.

It's mostly trial and error. I bought acrylic white and yellow from walmart and a paint brush variety pack that had small fine tip brushes. I started with yellow. Let it dry and then put white on the tips of the hair and let it dry. Then mixed yellow and white and removed most of the paint from the brush so it's just barely on there and then go over the white with quick strokes, thinning it out over that spike of hair and just repeat the process. A lot of patience because it's so small but I like the end result
It's mostly trial and error. I bought acrylic white and yellow from walmart and a paint brush variety pack that had small fine tip brushes. I started with yellow. Let it dry and then put white on the tips of the hair and let it dry. Then mixed yellow and white and removed most of the paint from the brush so it's just barely on there and then go over the white with quick strokes, thinning it out over that spike of hair and just repeat the process. A lot of patience because it's so small but I like the end result

Wow, that is quite a process. I appreciate you taking the time to explain it, thank you. Did you do anything to the face? Because there's such a contrast between the hair and face now. The hair has such a natural flow to it and looks amazing. I can't wait to see Trunks' head!

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