It's weird the humans never have faces. I get they're small but I also have seen miniatures in that scale that do have faces that look pretty good.
I use HLJ for all my Takara MP pre-orders.
Finally Takara are doing MP Blue Bluestreak!
Cool I need another MP Nissan???
HELL YES!!!!!!!!!
Fan Toys Dinobots Sludge will be coming up soon...the design is almost finished
Seems like it usually runs around $15 through EMS. You can get it cheaper, but you may have to wait weeks for it to arrive. EMS is about 3 days with tracking. I think Amiami charges a lot more for shipping, but it's been awhile since I ordered from there. HLJ also has a "Pile of Loot" type of option like BBTS, where you can combine multiple orders as they come in to save shipping, if you order lots of stuff from Japan.