S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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That Golden Frieza is perfectly sculpted. Same goes for Goku except for the hair looking at little...off. Idk how to describe it, it's like bunched together, but still looks nice and sharp. It looks like Tamashii really didn't cut any corners for these two. Hoping they release Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis in the same quality. That's all I really want for RoF.
That could be it. I guess it can be considered an updated version of the SSJ hair to fit in more with the new artwork style. It just caught me of guard comparing to the current SSJ hair molds. Surprised they didn't just re-use the old hair and paint it blue. Guess this shows that Tamashii is giving more acknowledgement to the DBZ line, it about time :yess:
I guess we can expect the new Vegeta molds to have the spikier updated hair look too. Majin Vegeta would look glorious with bunched up spiky hair. Now that I think about it, Vegito's hair is very similar in style to this Goku
What a terrible sculpt on goku ssgss hair and face..... I feel like I'm looking at an old irwin figure.
That's the best picture to compare for the new hair sculpt. It's so ****ing spot on, I love it. So nicely detailed.

Is that the picture Tamashii/Bluefin used for the SDCC Super Saiyan Goku, as well?
Yeah, you can tell with the purple waist and wristbands. The body was, unfortunately based on that pic too, which is why Goku is so ******* bulky looking!
The artwork u posted above is awesome but the toy is terrible... it should be spiky like the arwork.. I dont know how to explain... the differences to me are huge.. specially on the sides.
The artwork u posted above is awesome but the toy is terrible... it should be spiky like the arwork.. I dont know how to explain... the differences to me are huge.. specially on the sides.
Did you look at the official promo pics? The ad pic doesnt really do it justice. The promo pics are a few pages back :)
What's new on Super Saiyan God Goku? I've got...

Torso/Shoulder gi
Overlap gi
The artwork u posted above is awesome but the toy is terrible... it should be spiky like the arwork.. I dont know how to explain... the differences to me are huge.. specially on the sides.

There's stilll something about the hair that gets me, but overall it does represent the new style better than the previous hair. After all, these are just promo pics. Remember how Vegito's face looked at first? Now he's perfect. The official figure will probably look better. That Frieza though astonishes me with how spot on it looks.
Considering Frieza seems like a straight repaint with a longer stomach and different faces, he did come out well. The figure actually convinced me of the form, because I hated it when it wss revealed.

I think you got all the new parts Ang, only reuse on Goku I can see is the legs and hands, or at least some since his Kamehameha hands seem less awkward and more naturally bent like scouter Vegetas and Krillins.
I really want them to stick with this red color for the rest of their future releases, although in this case, the orange from the previous figures is the actual correct color according to the movie. I just REALLY want to see Ultimate Gohan in this red.