S.H.FiguArts Dragonball Z figures!!!

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They will give us Vegeta.. I mean it's not like they have totally Ignored Vegeta.. In 2011 we got SSJ Vegeta, in 2013 we got Scouter Vegeta and in 2014 we got SDCC14 Vegeta.... They are just no getting into the Buu Saga line of figures so we will get Majin Vegeta soon also. I'm betting at SDCC we will at-least see ROF Vegeta prototype.
I knew I seen the gohan and goku, just making sure I know what I'm looking at. Is piccolo going to be reissued later in the year?

From an earlier post...

Yes friend, the complete list of re-releases for September:

Robot Spirits Dragonar-1 Custom
Super Robot Chogokin Shin Getter-1 OVA version
Ultra-Act Ultraman Jack
S.H.Figuarts Kinnikuman
S.H.Figuarts Piccolo

Source: Toysdaily.
Here's Toriyama's statement about Vegeta:

Vegeta was a nasty guy at first in the serialization, and I had thought about bringing an end to [his story] as just a villain, but as I was writing, I felt that his villainous sort of warped straightforwardness was unexpectedly interesting. I couldn’t imagine that a guy with this kind of hairstyle would become popular, and yet he’d get more votes than Goku in favorite-character polls, and even I consciously began to actively have him appear. He has a well-defined character, as a resentful presence with both a strong pride and a desire to get even stronger, so I could draw him without difficulty; the character would sort of move on his own, so to speak. It was fun to draw people like Piccolo, Vegeta, and Mr. Satan.

He lists him in his top 5 characters:

Toriyama-sensei, please list your five favorite warriors.

I basically think that quiet types are absolutely cool. I’ve thought that ever since I was a kid. Speaking of which, Tenshinhan and Trunks are like that too. They’re all a bunch of silent types (laughs). Kuririn’s not quiet, but I liked the sense that he was grudgingly hanging in there. At first I only intended him to be around for a little while, so I drew him pretty shoddily, but somewhere along the line he became Goku’s best friend (laughs). Mr. Satan’s the complete opposite of the silent type. It was fun drawing him because despite being so petty, he wasn’t really a bad character, so I like him too.
Toriyama-sensei’s five favorite warriors!!1

Piccolo / Vegeta
A pair who never say anything unless they have to, and have an air of aloof superiority. Their coolness is the real deal.

Kuririn stands against strong opponents, despite being freaked out the whole time. He’s now Goku’s closest friend!

Mr. Satan
Satan’s a character overflowing with human kindness and weakness. He’s loved the whole world over.

Son Goku
Toriyama-sensei’s #1 favorite character is Goku, of course! He’s a super warrior who’s both strong and gentle!
Im guessing you mean chaotzu, so no, not unless they do Tien, he is far too tiny to sell on his own or make any use of tye figuarts joints.

but he could be sell with Ten-Shin-Han! both! together! always! ^^=) and yamcha with Pua! of course =) roshi with Uulong! kaio sa-ma with gregory and buubles! do you get it? =) that...............is the best for business!
Here's Toriyama's statement about Vegeta:

Vegeta was a nasty guy at first in the serialization, and I had thought about bringing an end to [his story] as just a villain, but as I was writing, I felt that his villainous sort of warped straightforwardness was unexpectedly interesting. I couldn’t imagine that a guy with this kind of hairstyle would become popular, and yet he’d get more votes than Goku in favorite-character polls, and even I consciously began to actively have him appear. He has a well-defined character, as a resentful presence with both a strong pride and a desire to get even stronger, so I could draw him without difficulty; the character would sort of move on his own, so to speak. It was fun to draw people like Piccolo, Vegeta, and Mr. Satan.

He lists him in his top 5 characters:

Toriyama-sensei, please list your five favorite warriors.

I basically think that quiet types are absolutely cool. I’ve thought that ever since I was a kid. Speaking of which, Tenshinhan and Trunks are like that too. They’re all a bunch of silent types (laughs). Kuririn’s not quiet, but I liked the sense that he was grudgingly hanging in there. At first I only intended him to be around for a little while, so I drew him pretty shoddily, but somewhere along the line he became Goku’s best friend (laughs). Mr. Satan’s the complete opposite of the silent type. It was fun drawing him because despite being so petty, he wasn’t really a bad character, so I like him too.
Toriyama-sensei’s five favorite warriors!!1

Piccolo / Vegeta
A pair who never say anything unless they have to, and have an air of aloof superiority. Their coolness is the real deal.

Kuririn stands against strong opponents, despite being freaked out the whole time. He’s now Goku’s closest friend!

Mr. Satan
Satan’s a character overflowing with human kindness and weakness. He’s loved the whole world over.

Son Goku
Toriyama-sensei’s #1 favorite character is Goku, of course! He’s a super warrior who’s both strong and gentle!

Thanks for sharing love his thoughts regarding Vegeta such a great character.

HHHMMM now thtas an idea, clear blue head. If i was to get my friend to cast gokus and Vegetas (whenever he's out) would u guys be willing to buy some casts??? Im trying to encourage casting figuarts/import things but he still feels the demand wont be there to justify making a cast. So if i can get enough people on board I can show him and he'd be down. I know a lot of you know how to do polls, maybe u can start one.......ideas are gokus god hair to make clear blue, gokus reg head to pain red, 18s head to turn into trunks, goha to paint black same with vegeta. Thinks like that to save us the money to just buy a KO or another full figure. Shoot even vegetos foot with boot tips if possible. Lemme know what u guys think
Ok, so when Vegeta gets his release, do you guys think he'll just be announced by himself or perhaps with another character (maybe Whis?) like Goku and Frieza were? I'm wondering what's taking them so long to announce him. I mean they HAVE to release him. What's the hold up Tamashii?
Could be a lot of things could wanting for approval on sculpt could be they are working on him or they don't have him planned.
Could be a lot of things could wanting for approval on sculpt could be they are working on him or they don't have him planned.

I would say they have him planned and at SDCC we will see him. Since Tamashi has said that they have BIG PLANS for DBZ at SDCC.

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