Avengers: Age of Ultron (May 1st, 2015)

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I'm a bit lost on Cap's super powers as it is. He's indestructible, sometimes super-strong, sometimes not. Can nudge Thor's hammer. Can flip and fly and somersault over flipping cars and land perfectly... but sometimes has trouble with just a few human guards, or that Batroc guy.

He's supposed to have peak human physical capabilities without being "super powered." So whatever the World's Stongest Man can lift, combined with Carl Lewis (or whoever is the fastest these days) speed, gold medal gymnastic agility, etc., combined with being a master in umpteen fighting styles. He was crazy buff in AoU though. Wasn't he taking direct laser blasts to the chest and stomach and just shrugging them off?

As for Ultron:

Trailer Ultron = Tartofsky Grievous

Movie Ultron = Lucas Grievous

Just got back from my second viewing.

Unfortunately I did not like it any more then the first.. In fact I liked it a little less. 5.5 out of 10 :(

Again I will use my Transformers 4 analogy... Lots of Action... But nothing memorable... And thus the action was boring for me :(

Hulk was wasted :(

Ultron was better in the trailers... I Wish that version of the character showed up.

There is just nothing in this film that tops the first one for me.

Happy for those that enjoyed it... Hope the next one pleases all of us.

Khev and I are here for you.

Well, I am at least. :lol
Maybe people realized most of the marvel movies are dog ****.

JAWS is a Hulk guy so I can kind of understand him preferring the first one. Now he knows how Cap fans felt in 2012. :lol

Yeah... But you got a GREAT standalone film after that... I am left with nothing :(

Cap had some good moments in the first one though... He came across as the leader had some great lines, got into Tony's face, and did a fine job protecting the people of NY :)

There was one scene that I love in AOU and that was when Tony and Cap started physically fighting each other... Best part of the film. Can Not wait for Civil War... It's probably going to be another great Cap movie... As I wait 3 more years for a Hulk appearance... If I'm lucky..
Surprised with the lower BO take as well. With all the hype, I was thinking $225m.

Could also be a little bit of fatigue of Thor, Capt and Iron Man.

You said it all. FIRST crack on the unstoppable MCU movie bubble. Yes Cap is with us every Summer- Thor is ok but no box office power and Iron Man has to come off the top of the peak at some point.
Ironic how AoU may be the first sign of superhero movie fatgue- next two week's grosses will show alot. Yes will be big in China and elsewhere put US box office strong indication wheneber dents are beginning to show..
Now listen up you DC nerds, if Batman can kick Supermurderer's ass, Cap can hold his own against Ultron.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox. :lol

Batman beating up Superman is a dumb as it gets in comic book/movie world
Yeah if they keep going at this rate Phase 4 will be a build up to World War Cap.

I don't mind if he and the other heroes get stronger. I just wish the villains would get the same treatment, so that they're more of a threat. So far none of the Marvel villain seem to be a physical threat, even when the world is about to end.
You said it all. FIRST crack on the unstoppable MCU movie bubble. Yes Cap is with us every Summer- Thor is ok but no box office power and Iron Man has to come off the top of the peak at some point.
Ironic how AoU may be the first sign of superhero movie fatgue- next two week's grooses will show alot. Yes will be big in China and elsewhere put US box office strong indication wheneber dents are beginning to show..

Build a better product and they will come :lecture:lecture:lecture...... ;) ;) ;)

Could be that word of mouth and repeat viewings are not as strong for this film as some of the others. So that could be affecting some of the box office..

Only saying that because it does not seem to be as universally loved as some of the others..

Probably the real reason is that people heard that Hulk disappears in the third act. :) :) ;) ;)
Sorry folks Ultron didn't pose much of a threat as a physical presence against say, Thor???
All those Ultron sentries blew apart as easy as Tony's Mk 42 armor in IM3...
Build a better product and they will come :lecture:lecture:lecture...... ;) ;) ;)

Could be that word of mouth and repeat viewings are not as strong for this film as some of the others. So that could be affecting some of the box office..

Only saying that because it does not seem to be as universally loved as some of the others..

Probably the real reason is that people heard that Hulk disappears in the third act. :) :) ;) ;)

Agreed- end of the world threat and big battle at end is OLD and repetitive....concentrate on closer- more intimate threats like Shield in TWS..and character conflict 100X more interesting than the big battle CGI fests..