WETA forums problem

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Battle for Middle Earth 2 amazing game. Shame about the servers going down.

Yeah it was a great game :) But now that I am not restricted by the games programming I can take those models I created and add as much detail as I need without worrying about polygon count and the like. ;) And once done I need to make a date with a 3D printer :D

And with the images of the original structure I have I can make a model that is a lot more accurate than previous attempts. And just to be clear that is not a dig at the previous Weta Sculpture as that is a beautiful sculpture and I envy anyone that has one :) But because of the jumps in the level of technology we now ( it has been over 10 years. . . wow :D ) have the ability to make a much more accurate model ;)
Looks like the Ultimate Collectors Forum just vanished into interspace. Anyone know what happened to it?
Looks like the Ultimate Collectors Forum just vanished into interspace. Anyone know what happened to it?

Rest assured, they haven't abandoned us. :) I'm confident they are working the issue.
KingKong - oh I see :D well it still deserves a congratulations for gaining such a beautiful piece of art ;) I wonder if Weta might one day build an art gallery for all of their works one day. I might be a little bias but I think it would make for a great tourist attraction :)
With all the stuff Weta has done they could open up a giant museum full of everything. A huge part of New Zealand's tourism is Middle Earth inspired so I bet it would do very well.
With all the stuff Weta has done they could open up a giant museum full of everything. A huge part of New Zealand's tourism is Middle Earth inspired so I bet it would do very well.

I doubt a giant museum would make economic sense. They just won't have the traffic to maintain it. Lord of the rings/hobbit is biggest in the European and maybe american market. But from what I know, the Europeans really like it. But the problem with relying on European tourism to sustain your museum is that Europeans would probably rather go to switZerland to see those sweeping vistas etc than fly all the way to New Zealand too see something similar.

Also, don't bet on the Aussies to do so. They have almost zero interest in Lord of the rings. And if they go to New Zealand it is to either visit family, get married or get parental permission to marry someone. They rather go to bali for holiday.
Hey guys and gals, this is for all of you that use UCForums as well. I know a lot of people from the Flame have joined up recently, and I wanted to make sure you all got this message from Valkrist, our head Administrator. It would appear that UCF is also migrating and making some lasting changes. The message is as follows:

Hey everyone,

I've gathered as many of you by personal email as I could find, but as you can see, the number was not that great.

The forum is currently down as we are attempting to coordinate a database backup/transfer from Justin's server to one of our own. We're not sure yet if this will work, but if yes, our intention is to have a new forum up and running soon which will preserve all of our old posts and user account information. If not, then we will still go ahead and create a new site, but unfortunately our old data will be lost and we have to start from scratch. The main goal is to avoid that, but we can't be sure it will work.

If we get the old forum back up temporarily, I will post an announcement about this, and also try to gather everyone's contact info. In the meantime, please pass the word along to other folks on your contact lists, such as Fin, Idril, Deimos, Mag, Nick, etc.

See you on the other side!

Val (Raf)

Please stay updated so that you don't lose touch if you're a UCF member! Exciting and trying times for those of us in the collecting online community! :)
Holy crap... These go for $12k?!

Also did everyone see this custom? Glad I'm not the only one commissioning 1/4 custom LotR statues.

I have been thinking about doing 1/4 scale statues, mainly soldiers, but I want to do Balin's Tomb first. I am hoping to gauge interest in both ideas once the new forum is up and running.
I have been thinking about doing 1/4 scale statues, mainly soldiers, but I want to do Balin's Tomb first. I am hoping to gauge interest in both ideas once the new forum is up and running.

I'm already signed up for Balin's Tomb. :)
Kyle if Balins tomb comes out like Aragorns I'm interested. Wonder if you thought of doing an Arwen in mourning for Aragorn? Looks like you could modify it off of the Weta Arwen statue.
Lol was wondering if this was you then I noticed the dog on doom!
You can still download bfme1, bfme2, and rotwk and play online via gameranger. Still quite a few people playing those games.
I'm already signed up for Balin's Tomb. :)

I actually have a interested list started, it is very short at the moment, just you in fact!

Kyle if Balins tomb comes out like Aragorns I'm interested. Wonder if you thought of doing an Arwen in mourning for Aragorn? Looks like you could modify it off of the Weta Arwen statue.
Lol was wondering if this was you then I noticed the dog on doom!

Now there are two names on the list! I have thought about making a Arwen piece to go along with the tomb, I am not sure where it falls on my list of projects I would like to tackle, but if there was enough interest it is something I would love to do! Honestly, I can't think of anything Middle Earth related I wouldn't like to sculpt :). If I had all of the time in the world, I would probably fill my basement with ME sculptures!

Yeah, I had forgot to sign my last post, at least my pup keeping warm on Mt. Doom was there, to let people know it was me!


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