HBO's Game of Thrones

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I'm wondering what motivated her to leave Stannis to begin with? Was she just seeing the writing on the wall, or was the Lord of Light talking to her or something?
Probably a combination of both but she did seem to realize that it was over for them after she heard the news of the troops defecting. Also, all her confidence appeared to be gone when she rode into Castle Black, so my feeling is she genuinely realizes that she got it wrong. For example, she tried to reassure Stannis in regards to the siege that she'd seen herself walking along the battlements of Winterfell, but she never mentioned seeing him there. So it may be it comes to pass, at some point, but that Stannis is not the vehicle.

Damn! Hope that is some misdirection for the benefit of the show, but if not, that is very, very sad, indeed. Right up there with Ned if that truly was Jon's demise (I guess we will know when they're in full swing filming season 6... don't imagine they will be able to hide Kit Harrington's involvement or lack thereof). Good analogy in the article of it being similar to Julius Caesar's end. Et tu, Olly? :monkey2
Yep, I'd be surprised if that didn't happen. Martin and the show writers have done a fantastic job of setting everything up so that when it does happen, there is a precedent set long ago and it'll feel plausible in that context. Don't think you need a spoiler tag for a theory, by the way, but I've kept my reply vague all the same. ;)

Thinking about it now, maybe that played into why they dropped Lady Stoneheart. Having two main characters resurrected/saved (we don't know yet if Jon actually dies) by the Lord of Light might've seemed a bit excessive in the context of the TV show.

Good point. I un-tagged it now. Also, your thinking on Stoneheart also makes sense.

And that was my impression of Melissandre there, too. The lady's not stupid. She knew she got it wrong and Stannis was toast.

Yeah, I've read that a few places. Either it's a smoke screen or this show is trying to screw itself over. At some point people wash their hands of this kind of crap. Like I said **** this show. I'll probably see what they do next season just to see how things go when they don't have a book but I don't feel like GoT is a must watch. Though to be fair I've only ever thought the show was slightly above average.
Damn, our perspectives there couldn't be further apart. I like that the show is gruelling, realistic and makes no compromises for fan favourites, say the way TWD does with Rick or Daryl. No-one's safe in this show and that's how it should be. Maybe I'm a masochist but I enjoy when they pull the rug out from under me like they did, tonight, and that was even expecting Jon to get betrayed (I was kind of hoping against hope that they'd save it for next season, once I heard about the "previously on" reference to uncle Bengen).
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In theory, I agree with that perspective, but when the cost is the potential death of my favorite characters. . .maybe if there could just be a few exceptions? :lol I thought for sure that Tyrion, Dany, Jon, and Bran would make it to the last season at least, but then, I also assumed Ned would be around a lot longer than he was.

I have to admit though, the unpredictability is certainly one of this show's greatest assets. If we knew where everything was going, it wouldn't have nearly the emotional impact as it does when things happen.
Well, I'm glad this season is over, now there's no more spoilers.

The Jon Snow thing would've been insane, had I not known that going in. I'm kinda glad I did, as I would've lost my ****, had I not been adequately prepared.
In theory, I agree with that perspective, but when the cost is the potential death of my favorite characters. . .maybe if there could just be a few exceptions? :lol I thought for sure that Tyrion, Dany, Jon, and Bran would make it to the last season at least, but then, I also assumed Ned would be around a lot longer than he was.
Well, I do half-expect that it is a smoke screen and that Jon will be somehow saved/resurrected in season 6. What I really like, I suppose, is they create at the very least the illusion that these critical characters are in real jeopardy (for example it appears Dany jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, when our expectation from the end of the last show was that she was home free).

I have to admit though, the unpredictability is certainly one of this show's greatest assets. If we knew where everything was going, it wouldn't have nearly the emotional impact as it does when things happen.
Yep, it's been a pretty amazing ride and even if this turns out to be a brutal setback, I'm confident that it will all make sense once the series is complete and seen in context. Probably not many have watched it, but it reminds of watching the BBC series I, Claudius before I knew much about the Julio-Claudian line. It starts with a lot of historical figures/characters I empathized with and was rooting for (and also some charismatic evil bastards that give Ramsey a run for his money, like Patrick Stewart's Sejanus) and by the end almost all of them have been betrayed and murdered. Makes for a very affecting and engaging story, though.
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Yep thought Tonight was going to be ALL out battle's at each castle and not at all. Once i think what's going on they spin us around. I was so happy with Arya then they leave us hurt n scared of what's to come from John Snow to both queen's in trouble.The only good thing is Stannis dead and not even to happy with that because wanted him to win the castle then die but nooooo. Only thing i see is the walkers taking the wall and its about to get even worse with walker's. The show left us completely FUBARRED! At least Reek manned up finally for Sansa hopefully they get away safely.
One thing that will obviously be a bit overlooked now is the Stannis storyline. I doubt many of us expected that he would truly be able to take Winterfel, but to have such an pitiful, under-matched showing was a bit of a surprise. He had no chance whatsoever, and you could see it in his eyes when the Bolton's soldiers showed up. At least we had one moment of true justice in this show, when Brienne takes him out.

I'm rooting for the walkers at this point.
In Walking Dead? I'm with you!
At least we had one moment of true justice in this show, when Brienne takes him out.

I'm calling bollocks on that until we see his dead body. The quick cut before we see Brienne chop off his head makes me think something else is going on there. Stannis is too important of a character to not see his death. If Meryn Fookin' Trant gets a death scene, Stannis sure as hell gets one.
Best part of the show Tonight was WALK OF SHAME.:wink1::lol ha ha that and Dany instant army. So when does this addiction come back ? Still shocked on how it all played out.
I'm calling bollocks on that until we see his dead body. The quick cut before we see Brienne chop off his head makes me think something else is going on there. Stannis is too important of a character to not see his death. If Meryn Fookin' Trant gets a death scene, Stannis sure as hell gets one.
Yeah, have a feeling Brienne spares him for some larger goal.

For example, in the books, it appears that Lady Stoneheart executes Brienne for perceived betrayal, and the chapter cuts away just as she's hanged, but then apparently Stoneheart thinks better of her choice and uses Brienne in another plot (I say apparently b/c I have not read that far, yet, but have heard about it)... I'm getting that feeling here but they've just reversed the roles/characters a bit.
I'm calling bollocks on that until we see his dead body. The quick cut before we see Brienne chop off his head makes me think something else is going on there. Stannis is too important of a character to not see his death. If Meryn Fookin' Trant gets a death scene, Stannis sure as hell gets one.

Good point.
Take nothing for granted on this show.
Melisandre did say she saw Stannis on the ramparts, I don't think she was lying about that. But she didn't say what condition he'd be in. Brienne will use him for a swap for Sansa and it'll go bad somehow.
But that said given the sizes of both forces,no way Stannis would've been alone out in the woods for Brienne to quickly find.
He was leading the "charge" out in the open. He would've been priority one for the Boltons.
Great episode though.
Jon is going to owe that fire priestess big time, Jon is this shows Daryl.
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Good point.
Take nothing for granted on this show.
But that said given the sizes of both forces,no way Stannis would've been alone out in the woods for Brienne to quickly find.
He was leading the "charge" out in the open. He would've been priority one for the Boltons.
Great episode though.
Jon is going to owe that fire priestess big time, Jon is this shows Daryl.

Yeah, if Stannis was really going to be dead, Ramsay would've caught the dude himself and hung Staniss' flayed corpse at Winterfell.
what a great episode.. Gruesome Deaths,Humiliation & Shame,Poison,Revelation,Betrayal,Castle Break,New Nomad Clan,Blindness...really left us hanging.Who will actually be alive next year.
Melisandre has magic is Jon in her plan.Will Davos learn the Truth.Brienne has Stannis on the Battle field at the mercy of Oathkeeper.Jaime has Myrcella in his arms.Myranda Flew.Sansa and Theon jumped.Arya got revenge on Trant but it cost her.Does Drogon survive.Will this be another Dothraki clan or become Daenerys new clan.Too bad the seasons are so short.Have to watch this one over again.
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