Invictus Sol
No Life in the Void
Probably a combination of both but she did seem to realize that it was over for them after she heard the news of the troops defecting. Also, all her confidence appeared to be gone when she rode into Castle Black, so my feeling is she genuinely realizes that she got it wrong. For example, she tried to reassure Stannis in regards to the siege that she'd seen herself walking along the battlements of Winterfell, but she never mentioned seeing him there. So it may be it comes to pass, at some point, but that Stannis is not the vehicle.I'm wondering what motivated her to leave Stannis to begin with? Was she just seeing the writing on the wall, or was the Lord of Light talking to her or something?
Damn! Hope that is some misdirection for the benefit of the show, but if not, that is very, very sad, indeed. Right up there with Ned if that truly was Jon's demise (I guess we will know when they're in full swing filming season 6... don't imagine they will be able to hide Kit Harrington's involvement or lack thereof). Good analogy in the article of it being similar to Julius Caesar's end. Et tu, Olly?