Great Pic...matrix69
So I was able to pick the last Stormtrooper at my LCS and compared the helmet to the one that came w/ Luke disguise.......the eyes are bolder and has more depth when compared to the regular helmet that comes w/ the Stormtrooper.
BTW mine didn't come w/ a this normal. It's not like I need it but it's good to know.
I think I might offer to actually trade a set of New Hope Stormies for Force Awakens set...but I don't know if I can find one to spare...
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Difference between stunt vs hero helmet.
Count the troopers!
I think HT used the same belt for their 1/6 ANH Vader!I'm pretty sure the two pack is modeled on these guys. Hot Toys nailed the belt on the second one to get through.
Thanks for sharing. Your last pic pretty much shows the difference between the 2 different eye lens and if it's due to hero vs stunt style then I must not watch enough SW to pay attention lol. BTW Luke's helmet does have a green hint to it if you can get it at the right angle for those who may question.Some pics of the two helmets side by side. The rubber lining inside/underneath the helmet looks to be a bit more prominent on the Luke helmet so that's giving the two helmets slightly different angles.
Black paint on the mouth on the Luke helmet is matte vs gloss on the regular helmet. Have to say that looking at the side by sides the top part of the helmet on the Luke trooper looks like it could be a tad taller--trapezoid definitely seems taller from the side (could be cleaner paint job though). Could be to fit the internal detailing?
Luke on the LEFT, regular trooper on the RIGHT.
Wow, this is to reflect the differences between the Stunt and Hero versions of the helmet for ANH. That's paying attention to the detail!
If that's the case then I prefer the bubble lens rather than the more flat one on the regular StormtrooperAll the HT Stormtroopers are Hero, no matter if Luke in disguise or regular trooper. Only the Sandtrooper so far has a Stunt sculpt.