Super Freak
He won't cost as much as C-3P0.
He'll cost more.
True that, basterds
He won't cost as much as C-3P0.
He'll cost more.
When can we expect to see the full reveal of 4-LOM as I am really pumped up for this and would be even more when Zuckuss is announced
Amazing the delay considering there will likely be another 9 month wait plus once its finally previewed for preorder.
It's a bit like trying to predict the future: where will I be in a year's time? What other interests will I have by then?
I can't think of anything in life that I order nearly a full year in advance... except maybe a child.
It's way too long to commit to an NRD.
It's way too long to commit to an NRD.
I'm with you. They need to change the NRD so that if you cancel within say 1-3 months before shipping you don't get penalized. That or discount the product for every month beyond the promised delivery date it's delayed. The process seems very one-sided and I'd prefer to order from Sideshow b/c of their great customer service. Right now I only have 3 items on PO from them b/c of the policy. Everything else is on order from BBTS.
I'm with you. They need to change the NRD so that if you cancel within say 1-3 months before shipping you don't get penalized.
Maybe people need to stop changing their minds so much.
Maybe people need to stop changing their minds so much.