ADAM! Dude! You have skills...those are great pics!
Yeah, you know I have absolutely no reason to complain. I only started looking around for one of these last week and then Echo Base put them up for $150, and I grabbed one quick thanks in most part to this message board!
Thanks message board!![]()
Now, all in all, I have waited less than a week for my Wolf. Good thing I'm off tomorrow too. I will have plenty of time to put him together carefully.
excuse me if come out with this now ,it's just me or wolf mask hot toys had make have something strange or wrong at the end/ top, for me the film counterpart seems more wide and squared at the top, or i'm just wrong?
Yes you are right. Hot Toys made Wolf's mask a little too elongated. It wasn't that long and narrow in the movie.
How do I go about contacting Hot Toys? I need another spear for Wolf and I really don't wanna have to pay 60 dollars to get another.