I cant begin to say how sweet this set is. As you can see they are really hard to photograph, i am not a photographer by any means and my lighting sucks. The sculpted are incredible, to me exactly the same as the protos, i do think so of the wrinkles and details were lost in the casting. The paint is very well done but not KA Kim well. Overall im over the moon about these two. The accessories alone are so cool. The revolver actually opens up the way a revolver would. Most of them have very good weight to them. As mentioned the tailoring and clothing easily rival that of HT. I was very surprised with the body, i did not think i would like it as much as i do., very easy to pose in natural positions. Been having a load of fun with these two. I do have to find me one more pair of boots as the robe one looks weird with jointed ankles and orange shoes. Ill be on the lookout.