$20 richer + $20 coupon on my Batman BvS figure i got last week, looks like i am up $40 so far on my next figure
Can't combine RP and coupons.
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Just hanging out, waiting for the next code.
Alter Ego had a Bank Robber Joker 2.0 on their ebay page a year or so ago, and I called them and bought it over the phone. No shipping fee, and no taxes (which was lovely because we're in the same state and sales tax was crazy expensive).
Sure, they have the Rey/BB-8 Set at $274.99 w/ $15.72 shipping. Basically it comes to retail price w/ free shipping if you look at it that way.
I got a Rey and bb-8 for sale if interested. Mint never opened.
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Imagine if they did allow to combine two offers? The most they've offered is $30 plus $75 on a $300 figure? How many of us would jump on that?
Want to move units, then give us deals we can't refuse.
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Is the mystery 75.00 code War Machine for everyone else as well?
Is the mystery 75.00 code War Machine for everyone else as well?
By Friday they should start selling off the good stuff.
By Friday they should start selling off the good stuff.
I don't think I remember that last year either. I just remembered similar stories to what you said. I would hate to buy in on Shotgun and then get an extra $25 come Friday...From what I remember they did that once about 2-3 years ago. It pissed off a lot of people. They'd post something at 25% off, people would buy it and a few days later it was 35% off. I don't think they did that last year?
I wouldn't expect to see more than $4 per day typically. Maybe some $6 days. That fits the 60% reduction from last year.
Was last year 60% of the year before?
And I've done this for years but this is my first time going "hard core" on it. But...I don't remember any $2 codes. Did they always do ones that small? I'd always find like $5 ones as random pop-ups on their site etc.