For those who have tried them, which of the mods to clear the chest emblem from the cowl is the best?
For those who have tried them, which of the mods to clear the chest emblem from the cowl is the best?
not sure which method is best, i think there was a couple diff batches via HT's and the tip of cowl differs slightly. some i see its bent up abit and not as long. on others including mine is flat to chest and seems abit longer. it is more movie accurate with it flat down but negative is also is closer to top of symbol. not sure stuffing chest would even help on mine and i dont really want to pull it down and glue the suit. so took head off and futzed suit far down as i could(pushed it up the back and pulled down on front above left and right tip of wings), looks fine but moment i start posing the suit will ride up to cowl so gotta futz it lots.
would like to clip off the tip of it but scared to do so, worried it may look odd cut. works bending/folding it up on itself but not sure i want to leave it like that.
Some of us have used the cotton ball method -- it slightly adds to the mass of the chest while creating a gap between the top of the bat symbol and bottom tip of the cowl. Just pop off the head, and stuff a small cotton ball inside the suit in the chest area. The best part is that this is not permanent, and can be altered or removed if not to your liking.
This looks great!! What was your process for cutting the cape?
Sock method seems easiest, since a strip would lay flat and even. I haven't tried either yet though.
For those who have tried them, which of the mods to clear the chest emblem from the cowl is the best?
not sure which method is best, i think there was a couple diff batches via HT's and the tip of cowl differs slightly. some i see its bent up abit and not as long. on others including mine is flat to chest and seems abit longer. it is more movie accurate with it flat down but negative is also is closer to top of symbol. not sure stuffing chest would even help on mine and i dont really want to pull it down and glue the suit. so took head off and futzed suit far down as i could(pushed it up the back and pulled down on front above left and right tip of wings), looks fine but moment i start posing the suit will ride up to cowl so gotta futz it lots.
would like to clip off the tip of it but scared to do so, worried it may look odd cut. works bending/folding it up on itself but not sure i want to leave it like that.
I clipped about 1/8 inch off of mine. I don't think it looks weird or bad at all. Quite happy with it and took me about 5 seconds.
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