Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

Being reported that Leia had a larger role in 9 than 8.

Oh and this:

Lloyd's of London is expected to have to pay Disney $50 million in "contract protection cover," an insurance clause set to trigger in the event that Fisher was unable to fulfill her obligations to the new Star Wars film.

Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

That should pay for the writers, designers, and animators to figure out a good solution.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

Well, her huge saber battle with Snoke was going to be all cgi anyways.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

Lloyd's of London is expected to have to pay Disney $50 million in "contract protection cover," an insurance clause set to trigger in the event that Fisher was unable to fulfill her obligations to the new Star Wars film.

Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

I remember a full year or so before AOTC came out that storyboards and script excerpts of the Obi Wan/Jango battle on Kamino leaked online. Phrases like "raindrops sizzle at they hit the ignited blade" and "Jango unleashes both blasters Jet Li style while leaping."

The fight was good and I consider the Kamino sequence the only passable scenes in AOTC but it sure wasn't as excited as written.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

I remember a full year or so before AOTC came out that storyboards and script excerpts of the Obi Wan/Jango battle on Kamino leaked online. Phrases like "raindrops sizzle at they hit the ignited blade" and "Jango unleashes both blasters Jet Li style while leaping."

The fight was good and I consider the Kamino sequence the only passable scenes in AOTC but it sure wasn't as excited as written.

That whole bit with Obi-Wan stopping himself from a free fall with a razor thin wire without even a scratch.


Not Jedi....Man of Steel.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

Being reported that Leia had a larger role in 9 than 8.

As she was likely the last of the OT trio to survive, I would have expected so... but now there's this little wrinkle.

Will Disney just go ahead and kill 'em all? No one from the OT survives? So sad.

I'll bet Luke taking the 'Ben sacrifice' role is now being reconsidered... they may need Luke to live on. So no Hamill voice from the other side saying "trust your feelings, Rey".
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

That's what Disney gets for thinking Carrie Fisher had the same health as Jennifer Lawrence and signing her up for a trilogy.

They should've filmed all of her 7/8/9 scenes the day after she was hired. :lol
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

That's what Disney gets for thinking Carrie Fisher had the same health as Jennifer Lawrence and signing her up for a trilogy.

Or they planned for that all along to cash in on the insurance contract.

I heard Kathleen Kennedy was on the plane with her . . .
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

Nah they would've done it november 2017 or first week december 2017.

Get their 50 mil plus maximum "Ledger" box office effect.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

That's what Disney gets for thinking Carrie Fisher had the same health as Jennifer Lawrence and signing her up for a trilogy.

They should've filmed all of her 7/8/9 scenes the day after she was hired. :lol

Can't film stuff that wasn't only not written, but not even outlined.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

The fact remains though that the story will change dramatically now. No matter what the Mouse says. It has to. There's no way Disney was planning to kill off Leia. But it's highly likely they were planning to kill off Luke ... in Ep.8 would be my suspicion (if not then definitely in 9). It's too perfect to have him be the "Ben/Yoda" to Rey. And both died.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

All I know is that if Luke disappears when he dies, imma scream "MEMBA OBI-WAN KENOBI, MEMBA YODA" in my theater before projectile vomiting on whoever is around me.

We're still going to see a movie together, right Jye?
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

All I know is that if Luke disappears when he dies, imma scream "MEMBA OBI-WAN KENOBI, MEMBA YODA" in my theater before projectile vomiting on whoever is around me.

We're still going to see a movie together, right Jye?

We better see Qui-Gon.
Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Hey everyone, lets wait until the OT cast are old to film E7/8/9.

Yeah great idea, lets do the prequels first while the OT cast are only middle aged.

What can possibly go wrong lol.
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Re: Star Wars Episode VIII (Dec 15th, 2017)

It's gonna be tragic if Luke and Rey are going to be doing their own thing the whole movie because they were saving the Luke and Leia reunion until Episode IX.
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