Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I don't know how I feel about it, really. I don't condone body shaming nor do I approve of it (unless it's reached a level on either end of the spectrum where it poses a legitimate threat to someone's health, in which case, yeah, I think it's something that needs to be addressed), but I can't say that someone is a misogynist pic for sharing pictures of women they find attractive. For one thing, unless you believe that a woman's only worth is based upon her physical attributes, I don't see how appreciating the female form in and of itself is degrading in any way. People have been admiring the human body for pretty much as long as civilization has existed. Am I saying it hasn't been sexualized? No. I'm sure some statue of a nude Roman goddess probably wasn't created for the same reasons as a 24-year old College girl's twerk video, but if it's something that someone consented to, and it's something they're proud enough of to share with the world, I have 0 issues enjoying it.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I don't know how I feel about it, really. I don't condone body shaming nor do I approve of it (unless it's reached a level on either end of the spectrum where it poses a legitimate threat to someone's health, in which case, yeah, I think it's something that needs to be addressed), but I can't say that someone is a misogynist pic for sharing pictures of women they find attractive. For one thing, unless you believe that a woman's only worth is based upon her physical attributes, I don't see how appreciating the female form in and of itself is degrading in any way. People have been admiring the human body for pretty much as long as civilization has existed. Am I saying it hasn't been sexualized? No. I'm sure some statue of a nude Roman goddess probably wasn't created for the same reasons as a 24-year old College girl's twerk video, but if it's something that someone consented to, and it's something they're proud enough of to share with the world, I have 0 issues enjoying it.

This /\

Well said, for that you shall be rewarded

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

It seems i judged you the wrong way man, accept my deepest apologies. You are okay in my book brother. You are all right :)
I hope we can be good friends in the future. Looking forward to it.

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I don't know how I feel about it, really. I don't condone body shaming nor do I approve of it (unless it's reached a level on either end of the spectrum where it poses a legitimate threat to someone's health, in which case, yeah, I think it's something that needs to be addressed), but I can't say that someone is a misogynist pic for sharing pictures of women they find attractive. For one thing, unless you believe that a woman's only worth is based upon her physical attributes, I don't see how appreciating the female form in and of itself is degrading in any way. People have been admiring the human body for pretty much as long as civilization has existed. Am I saying it hasn't been sexualized? No. I'm sure some statue of a nude Roman goddess probably wasn't created for the same reasons as a 24-year old College girl's twerk video, but if it's something that someone consented to, and it's something they're proud enough of to share with the world, I have 0 issues enjoying it.

:goodpost: :exactly: VERY well said.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I don't know how I feel about it, really. I don't condone body shaming nor do I approve of it (unless it's reached a level on either end of the spectrum where it poses a legitimate threat to someone's health, in which case, yeah, I think it's something that needs to be addressed), but I can't say that someone is a misogynist pic for sharing pictures of women they find attractive. For one thing, unless you believe that a woman's only worth is based upon her physical attributes, I don't see how appreciating the female form in and of itself is degrading in any way. People have been admiring the human body for pretty much as long as civilization has existed. Am I saying it hasn't been sexualized? No. I'm sure some statue of a nude Roman goddess probably wasn't created for the same reasons as a 24-year old College girl's twerk video, but if it's something that someone consented to, and it's something they're proud enough of to share with the world, I have 0 issues enjoying it.

Women deserve our protection, our love and our respect.
We need to protect them and respect their decisions.

If you see misogyny like in this thread and you dont say anything about it you are equally guilty.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Women deserve our protection, our love and our respect.
We need to protect them and respect their decisions.

If you see misogyny like in this thread and you dont say anything about it you are equally guilty.

Are you saying that, as a man, you feel that it's your duty to protect women? They can't protect themselves? Why? Are they not capable of that in your eyes, black mask? What are you trying to say?
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I don't know how I feel about it, really. I don't condone body shaming nor do I approve of it (unless it's reached a level on either end of the spectrum where it poses a legitimate threat to someone's health, in which case, yeah, I think it's something that needs to be addressed), but I can't say that someone is a misogynist pic for sharing pictures of women they find attractive. For one thing, unless you believe that a woman's only worth is based upon her physical attributes, I don't see how appreciating the female form in and of itself is degrading in any way. People have been admiring the human body for pretty much as long as civilization has existed. Am I saying it hasn't been sexualized? No. I'm sure some statue of a nude Roman goddess probably wasn't created for the same reasons as a 24-year old College girl's twerk video, but if it's something that someone consented to, and it's something they're proud enough of to share with the world, I have 0 issues enjoying it.

I know, right?

Don't you hate when women are all like, "I'm your sister you freak!!! Put that away!!"

Crazy...right? Right...guys? Right?

Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Are you saying that, as a man, you feel that it's your duty to protect women? They can't protect themselves? Why? Are they not capable of that in your eyes, black mask? What are you trying to say?

Im saying that sharing pics of women to judge their looks or their hotness is still technically

You say there is no harm but these girls are being seen as pieces of meat. You have the power to stop that on their behalf. You can be the protector

As far as the body shaming, you dont understand, beauty standards are much more strict for women than for men.
Criticizing a womans looks in any way is shaming
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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Im saying that sharing pics of women to judge their looks or their hotness is still technically

You say there is no harm but these girls are being seen as pieces of meat. You have the power to stop that on their behalf. You can be the protector

As far as the body shaming, you dont understand, beauty standards are much more strict for women than for men.
Criticizing a womans looks in any way is shaming

And yet they have no qualms about advertising themselves entirely based upon those looks.

Look no farther than your signature. In addition to being genetically gifted enough to be that attractive, that girl probably spends a couple hours at the gym everyday and a strict diet to maintain that figure. And that's not even counting to the countless hours of makeup, hairdressing, and photoshopping it takes by a team of dozens just to get her to look physically flawless.

And a poster like the one you have in your signature, just like any of the hundreds of other glamour shots she has appeared in, is specifically designed to get you to be attracted enough to her to get you to buy whatever product she is advertising.

She has literally made a living on her beauty. Essentially commoditizing her appearance. You cannot transform a person's looks into a commodity and then equally expect people not to treat it as such.

Yes, treating a person that way to their face would be incredibly offensive to the point of sexual harassment. And I don't think anyone here (or most people really) need to be taught that. But in the context of literally making a person's looks the selling point of an advertisement, its just a reality of life that men talk about their opinions on how attractive certain women are. Its a fact of life. And one need go no further than any tumblr page to see that it isn't just a one way thing. Woman do the same thing about men all the time. Its just human nature.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

And yet they have no qualms about advertising themselves entirely based upon those looks.

Look no farther than your signature. In addition to being genetically gifted enough to be that attractive, that girl probably spends a couple hours at the gym everyday and a strict diet to maintain that figure. And that's not even counting to the countless hours of makeup, hairdressing, and photoshopping it takes by a team of dozens just to get her to look physically flawless.

And a poster like the one you have in your signature, just like any of the hundreds of other glamour shots she has appeared in, is specifically designed to get you to be attracted enough to her to get you to buy whatever product she is advertising.

She has literally made a living on her beauty. Essentially commoditizing her appearance. You cannot transform a person's looks into a commodity and then equally expect people not to treat it as such.

Yes, treating a person that way to their face would be incredibly offensive to the point of sexual harassment. And I don't think anyone here (or most people really) need to be taught that. But in the context of literally making a person's looks the selling point of an advertisement, its just a reality of life that men talk about their opinions on how attractive certain women are. Its a fact of life. And one need go no further than any tumblr page to see that it isn't just a one way thing. Woman do the same thing about men all the time. Its just human nature.

Very well said.

Look at news media it's not good enough to have a law degree or PhD to be on camera.

Nope, if you're a female not only do you have to be competative with your qualifications you also have to be super sexy with perfect teeth and jaw line and then dress super hot!

I can imagine how many overweight girls with law degrees and experience get turned down at these media companies.

Men, you can be ugly as sin you're hired!

Sports and entertainment shows are probably the same way.

But the part I like the best are the Fox news women.

They use their looks to get the job (because it's not just about their education and experience) and then get upset when men try to get in their pants lol.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

And yet they have no qualms about advertising themselves entirely based upon those looks.

Look no farther than your signature. In addition to being genetically gifted enough to be that attractive, that girl probably spends a couple hours at the gym everyday and a strict diet to maintain that figure. And that's not even counting to the countless hours of makeup, hairdressing, and photoshopping it takes by a team of dozens just to get her to look physically flawless.

And a poster like the one you have in your signature, just like any of the hundreds of other glamour shots she has appeared in, is specifically designed to get you to be attracted enough to her to get you to buy whatever product she is advertising.

She has literally made a living on her beauty. Essentially commoditizing her appearance. You cannot transform a person's looks into a commodity and then equally expect people not to treat it as such.

Yes, treating a person that way to their face would be incredibly offensive to the point of sexual harassment. And I don't think anyone here (or most people really) need to be taught that. But in the context of literally making a person's looks the selling point of an advertisement, its just a reality of life that men talk about their opinions on how attractive certain women are. Its a fact of life. And one need go no further than any tumblr page to see that it isn't just a one way thing. Woman do the same thing about men all the time. Its just human nature.

Very well said.

Look at news media it's not good enough to have a law degree or PhD to be on camera.

Nope, if you're a female not only do you have to be competative with your qualifications you also have to be super sexy with perfect teeth and jaw line and then dress super hot!

I can imagine how many overweight girls with law degrees and experience get turned down at these media companies.

Men, you can be ugly as sin you're hired!

Sports and entertainment shows are probably the same way.

But the part I like the best are the Fox news women.

They use their looks to get the job (because it's not just about their education and experience) and then get upset when men try to get in their pants lol.

You see boys, the thing is that women deserve and have the freedom to do whatever they want with their bodies,
Their body their choice. So if a woman wants to walk topless outside then she has the right to do so. If a woman wants to wear a tiny bikini then she can, women deserve to have the same freedoms men have. The same rights. The same respect.

What you guys dont have is the right to shame them of objectify them for doing those things.
We need to empower them and respect rhem while giving them the freefim to wear whatever they want without judging them.
Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

You see boys, the thing is that women deserve and have the freedom to do whatever they want with their bodies,
Their body their choice. So if a woman wants to walk topless outside then she has the right to do so. If a woman wants to wear a tiny bikini then she can, women deserve to have the same freedoms men have. The same rights. The same respect.

What you guys dont have is the right to shame them of objectify them for doing those things.
We need to empower them and respect rhem while giving them the freefim to wear whatever they want without judging them.

I think you missed the part about how reality works.

Yes, women have the right to do whatever they want. (Though technically they don't have the *right* to walk around topless since regardless of your opinions on the matter, it is currently illegal)

But the people that witness those actions are also free to form opinions about what they see. No one is free from that. and the people whose actions reach the most amount of people (like celebrities) are going to also have the most amount of people judging them.

One of the opinions people naturally form on others is their attractiveness. It is usually completely separate from how much they respect them. Especially when how this person looks is all we really know about them. And if no one had these opinions, than there wouldn't even be an entertainment industry for them to choose to be a part of.
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