I don't know how I feel about it, really. I don't condone body shaming nor do I approve of it (unless it's reached a level on either end of the spectrum where it poses a legitimate threat to someone's health, in which case, yeah, I think it's something that needs to be addressed), but I can't say that someone is a misogynist pic for sharing pictures of women they find attractive. For one thing, unless you believe that a woman's only worth is based upon her physical attributes, I don't see how appreciating the female form in and of itself is degrading in any way. People have been admiring the human body for pretty much as long as civilization has existed. Am I saying it hasn't been sexualized? No. I'm sure some statue of a nude Roman goddess probably wasn't created for the same reasons as a 24-year old College girl's twerk video, but if it's something that someone consented to, and it's something they're proud enough of to share with the world, I have 0 issues enjoying it.