Wonder Woman - June 2, 2017

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Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

I liked WW in BvS, I like Greek mythology and I like WWI & II flicks sooooo I should like it....

I hope you're right, I really do...


Because I liked Boba Fett in ESB, I like Hero Quest mythology and I like interplanetary war flicks and I got:




Re: Wonder Woman - June 23, 2017

Makes sense if you think about it.

Someone has to pay for the jedi temple, the technology, Yoda's fancy floating chair thing.

Who's going to pay for that? Annie the broke slave? Nah...in fact, I bet at least half the Jedi aren't real Jedi, just a bunch of rich kinds who pay for the real Jedi to study, hence how most of them were easily killed by the order 66.