Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Dec 15th, 2017)

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No, nothing wrong, but Kennedy has an agenda, so it's becoming clear that they feel the need to feminize SW, and it started with Rey, then Rogue One's marketing putting what's her face in front of everyone else, the new Battle Front having a female lead, there's the Force of Destiny which focuses on only the female characters, and of the new characters in The Last Jedi, an Asian girl will have the most screen time, according to Kennedy. Not Benicio Del Toro or some other new actor. Then there's Kathleen Kennedy saying she doesn't owe the male SW fans anything after 40 years of guys buying most of the merchandise :lol

I don't care, but I think it's funny that people don't see it.

Yup, pretty much.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with Emila Clarke in Han Solo: A Han Solo story. I'm sure that character will have Solo by the balls the entire time, being an extension of the Dragon Girl/Sarah Connor/muh strong wimmin role she always plays.
Ok, not gonna re-read all 1787 pages of this thread or whatnot (not a numbers guy, clearly), but after seeing that trailer, I am excited.

Couple reasons: it looks like they are taking more chances with the story, and are not giving us a thinly veiled sequel/reboot as the TFA was......that is great. Next reason I am excited: Mark F-ing Hamill is back, baby!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I am 45 years old (and don't look a day over 55 - damn you male pattern baldness), so this is the movie I've waited for since ROTJ! Kinda glad Lucas is retired. I mean, the guy is owed a lot of credit, but his tastes clearly changed as he got older. Lucas can write black& white only. I want shades of Grey, so can't wait to see Luke in the hands of a filmmaker that realizes adults are pumped for this character. Even as a kid, seeing ROTJ, and seeing the infamous Fett/Death/Burp scene, I looked at my 12 year buddy in Fett was serious business to my 11 year old self then or whatnot.

So yeah, for me, and with all do respect to Lucas: Star Wars is for 12 years old, but as Rogue one showed, Star Wars is for kids of ALL ages.

One thing about my 40's that I do love, and this is NOT an attack on anyone here, but I can go see a movie now, and not be as overly critical as I once was..........So yeah, I loved the hell out of Rogue one. I loved getting Tarkin back. Sure, he was a little Uncanney Valley-ish, but just a little.

Anyways , day one viewing for me with the Last Jedi
Leia was very female-empowerment in her day. That was the trick -- the flip on the tried-and-true damsel-in-distress. "Someone has to save our skins."

Today though, I do see an oversaturation with female leads in everything. It's like the Age of Woman has come -- Rey, WW, Hunger Games, Rogue One, all the new Marvel female villains, Atomic Blonde, Insurgent, Ghostbusters, Shonda Rimes television, etc... Its a boon time to be a woman.

Like anything, this will tire too.

Forgot Furiosa. :thwak

I think if a sharia muslim were to come in here and read all the posts from westerners getting their panties all in a bunch over powerful women they would think we're not that much different than them.

I mean seriously it's amazing how much it irks people to a point of frenzy as if they forget that they have mothers, sisters, daughters and wives.
I think if a sharia muslim were to come in here and read all the posts from westerners getting their panties all in a bunch over powerful women they would think we're not that much different than them.

Slave Girl Leia was absolutely haram.

Also, death to all gamorrean guards, those unclean space swine.
Slave Girl Leia was absolutely haram.

Also, death to all gamorrean guards, those unclean space pigs.

:lol :lol :lol

I'm half arab I get it believe me lol.

But everytime I say i'm half arab I have to follow it up with that i'm a christian arab or else you have to see how fast I can clear a room lol.

If anything i'm proud that Hollywood has chosen to rise powerful women into the forefront and shove them into the faces of groups who think nothing of women.
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Yup, pretty much.

It'll be interesting to see what they do with Emila Clarke in Han Solo: A Han Solo story. I'm sure that character will have Solo by the balls the entire time, being an extension of the Dragon Girl/Sarah Connor/muh strong wimmin role she always plays.

There is also the Chinese agenda. China will most likely become the largest movie market by the end of the year, and only a select number of American films get to play in China, as a result the Chinese gov actually has creative input and some control over the films that are shown in China, hence why you're seeing more Chinese/Aasian actors in movies lately, or China playing a role in the stories in some way. Disney is already doing it with SW, they had some Asian characters in RO and now the biggest new role in The Last Jedi is an Asian girl.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing to have Asian characters or have China help the US in certain films like in The Martian ( which was approved by their government), it's just business and Disney and other Hollywood studios are playing ball with the Chinese gov because they want to be part of the biggest market in the world, but it's good to be aware of the truth and the hidden agendas, because what some fanboys or people might call "progress" and "diversity" , it's just a business move by these corporations.

Kennedy's girl power agenda has a lot to do with Disney's history and tradition of having female characters in fairytales and the fact that Disney has a huge female fanbase, so they want to combine the two somehow. I'm surprised they haven't done that with Marvel.
China must be thinking, how the heck can we be thousands of years old yet the film industry of the world is in a country only 241 years old!

How can we trick errrr convince the jews to hand over Hollywood to us!

As my grandmother used to say, money talks, nuclear proliferation walks.
Ok, not gonna re-read all 1787 pages of this thread or whatnot (not a numbers guy, clearly), but after seeing that trailer, I am excited.

Couple reasons: it looks like they are taking more chances with the story, and are not giving us a thinly veiled sequel/reboot as the TFA was......that is great. Next reason I am excited: Mark F-ing Hamill is back, baby!!!!!!!!!! I mean, I am 45 years old (and don't look a day over 55 - damn you male pattern baldness), so this is the movie I've waited for since ROTJ! Kinda glad Lucas is retired. I mean, the guy is owed a lot of credit, but his tastes clearly changed as he got older. Lucas can write black& white only. I want shades of Grey, so can't wait to see Luke in the hands of a filmmaker that realizes adults are pumped for this character. Even as a kid, seeing ROTJ, and seeing the infamous Fett/Death/Burp scene, I looked at my 12 year buddy in Fett was serious business to my 11 year old self then or whatnot.

So yeah, for me, and with all do respect to Lucas: Star Wars is for 12 years old, but as Rogue one showed, Star Wars is for kids of ALL ages.

One thing about my 40's that I do love, and this is NOT an attack on anyone here, but I can go see a movie now, and not be as overly critical as I once was..........So yeah, I loved the hell out of Rogue one. I loved getting Tarkin back. Sure, he was a little Uncanney Valley-ish, but just a little.

Anyways , day one viewing for me with the Last Jedi

Great post.

I keep wondering just how much Lucas is supposedly not involved.

My gut keeps telling me that there are secret mission runs to his home at 3am when Disney is not watching (can that be) and story ideas are being discussed.
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White male fragility sure is in display in here.....

Whats the matter boys? Feeling threatened? U sound like this guy

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Nah, not really, i feel its sending the wrong message to females. Oh she can do it, but i can't physically.
Guys my background was US Army Infantry for 10 years, military changed to accommodate females, some females where all hoah hoah about it, and then were complaining saying the standards were rigged when they have not changed. Its creating a blanket for little girls to want to aspire to heroines, but get frustrated when its a dog eat dog world. Seen it many times happen and its the whole SJW agenda behind Hollywood. Everyone's too sensitive now days [emoji12][emoji8]

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Nah, not really, i feel its sending the wrong message to females. Oh she can do it, but i can't physically.
Guys my background was US Army Infantry for 10 years, military changed to accommodate females, some females where all hoah hoah about it, and then were complaining saying the standards were rigged when they have not changed. Its creating a blanket for little girls to want to aspire to heroines, but get frustrated when its a dog eat dog world. Seen it many times happen and its the whole SJW agenda behind Hollywood. Everyone's too sensitive now days [emoji12][emoji8]

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Is it true that women in combat make things more complicated because men will literally throw themselves into incoming fire to save female soldiers? Or risk much more to save them
Than they would to save a male soldier?
:lol :lol :lol

I'm half arab I get it believe me lol.

But everytime I say i'm half arab I have to follow it up with that i'm a christian arab or else you have to see how fast I can clear a room lol.

If anything i'm proud that Hollywood has chosen to rise powerful women into the forefront and shove them into the faces of groups who think nothing of women.

Christian arab? Isnt that on the brink of extinction in the next couple of decades? Ive seen some articles that christianity will basically disappear in some of those areas within our lifetime ?
Let me put it to you like this, men can go days without showering, weeks, in the field, women complained to the inspector general one time because our battalion commander was not sending them
Back to the rear so they could take their showers or when their period was bad. Personal hygiene is already one thing for obvious reasons... i am on of those crusty old guys that if they want to do it, more power to them, but its when the equality flags start getting thrown and saying its unfair that gets me, i am just one of those suck it up and drive on types, other females in the world put up with it, but everyone's sheltered here in the US too much,

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Let me put it to you like this, men can go days without showering, weeks, in the field, women complained to the inspector general one time because our battalion commander was not sending them
Back to the rear so they could take their showers or when their period was bad. Personal hygiene is already one thing for obvious reasons... i am on of those crusty old guys that if they want to do it, more power to them, but its when the equality flags start getting thrown and saying its unfair that gets me, i am just one of those suck it up and drive on types, other females in the world put up with it, but everyone's sheltered here in the US too much,

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Nah, not really, i feel its sending the wrong message to females. Oh she can do it, but i can't physically.
Guys my background was US Army Infantry for 10 years, military changed to accommodate females, some females where all hoah hoah about it, and then were complaining saying the standards were rigged when they have not changed. Its creating a blanket for little girls to want to aspire to heroines, but get frustrated when its a dog eat dog world. Seen it many times happen and its the whole SJW agenda behind Hollywood. Everyone's too sensitive now days [emoji12][emoji8]

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I've heard this so many times from friends who are in the US military.

It's gonna suck for you guys when Riddick's red army invades.
I think i read that fire stations were having trouble cuz new lady hires were not able to do stuff like carry the equipment or break down doors or carrying unconscious people out of the fire or stuff like that

Especially with a combat load, think of adding an extra 100 pounds of gear, with ammo, and weapons. Wearing a full combat gear in the scorching desert is equal to wearing a wool suit, with a cardigan vest, the the top, and a heavy coat on a 95f degree day. It sucks. Thats why i always wonder if storm troopers suits have an AC unit built in them hehe

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Especially with a combat load, think of adding an extra 100 pounds of gear, with ammo, and weapons. Wearing a full combat gear in the scorching desert is equal to wearing a wool suit, with a cardigan vest, the the top, and a heavy coat on a 95f degree day. It sucks.
I feel so manly reading this.

My chin looks like this now.

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